gordon wrote:
> In other words there has been a huge increase in "free time".
>From your post I conclude one thing:

The hunting must really suck where you live.  I hunt here in Dallas every
day for about one hour.  I average several pounds of meat per day which is
not bad when you consider that I never leave the city limits and am thus
prohibited from using a weapon.  My son Gray-Hawk could probally add several
pounds of rodents to the total as he loves to search under rocks and sticks
for wildlife (and also loves to whack things with sticks).

The research of Kerin O'dea (see bibliography) shows that un-employded
aboriginies in Austrailian cities burn more calories daily than those living
off  bush-tucker in the outback.  She calculates that in this vast desert,
they walk an average 56 feet between food sources.  Those who gather
paleofoods in large modern supermarkets must walk far further to gather
their dinner.

Ray Audette
Author "NeanderThin"