I've just joined this list recently.  I read Neanderthin and Diet Evolution
about a year or 18 months ago.  I've not yet done a strict paleo regimen but
lean in that direction.  I'm a nutriton coach and former psychotherapist so
have a particular interest in food/mood/behavior stuff and have been
follwing the recent on depression with interest.

>>>They were also breastfed--and intensively so--increasingly rare over the
past 40-50 years in America. Lack of breast feeding paired with general
malnutrition (common in the U.S. even among those who are not impoverished)
is the major  contributor to the high rates of dental deformites (need for
orthodontia), visual deformities, depression, attention deficit and learning
disorders, asthma, allergies, deformities, obesity, degenerative disease

The other aspect of breastfeeding that's important and related to these
degenerative conditions as well, is the lack of physical/emotional/ and
energetic contact that often goes with a non-breast-fed infant.  Somone
mentioned the concept of limbic resonnance in an earlier post.  Haven't read
that book but suspect we're talking about the same thing.

 I know from personal experience (my upbringing) and my work as a therapist,
that loving emotional and physical contact is as important to physical
development as nourishing physical food.  When that isn't present,
especially in early infancy and childhood, there is a predisposition to
clinical depression, not to mention over or under eating.

Our tissue is fed vibrationally as well as physically, and tissue that isn't
"bathed" by good energetic connections is not vibrant and healthy.  This
translates into low immunity, depression of many vital functions including
manufacturing of neurotranasmitters related to depression.  Add to this a
poor diet and you've got big problems.

In the Continuum Concept, also mentioned earlier, one of the things I
remember most vividly was the description of mothers working with their
diaperless babies wrapped tightly against their bodies.  The questions was
raised as to how the moms knew when the babies needed to urinate or
deficate.  The question was met with puzzlement and the answer was something
to the effect of "we know  as we know it in our own bodies"  How many of us
were raised with that kind of attunement to our organism?  How can people
who interact with a computer all day experience that kind of attunement to
or from others?  Cyberspace while offering many wonderful features is a
vibrational vacuum!

So good food is crucial, but a vibrant, alive body comes from other things
as well, and makes it possible to put that good food to good use.

Judy Stone

Since you ultimately grind the dried beef into a powder, is there any reason
using ground beef instead of sliced, wouldn't work as well?
