I am reading "The Glucose Revolutions" because I like to refine my
arguments when someone gives me the usual line about carbs being good and
fat being bad. What really amazes me about the book is they basically have
the same facts as say the Eades' do in "Protein Power" but since they have
already decided to start with the hypotheses that fat is bad for you they
are not open to exploring other avenues of thought. Also, they even talk
about how we ate mostly protein (but not fat) 700,000 years ago to support
their argument that we should eat a lot of low glycemic index foods. They
even mention in one part of the book that high insulin levels cause all
kinds of problems but still insist we should eat at least 60% of our diet as
carbs. I wish I could go to a conference where they are talking about this
and ask them " well then how do you explain the Inuits?"