Michael Audette:

The 'altered genes' was probably a goof on my part.  Let me try rephrasing
it.  I personally believe that evolution through
natural selection does occur (although I don't believe that the H.
Sapien species evolved from the Neanderthals or hominids).  Maybe this kid's
parents, grandparents, and on down the line for a few generations have been
eating a grain and dairy based diet.  If so, their genes may have changed
somewhat to where they actually respond *better* to a grain and/or dairy
based diet as opposed to a paleo diet.  Not everyone should eat paleo.

In my judgment, anyone who believes that all the paleo tenets are right
merely b/c the paleo 'authorities' claim it to be so, is not only ignorant
but also arrogant.  In any field, the experts disagree.  Some of the
'experts' on this list can't even agree on exactly what constitutes a paleo
(on non-paleo) diet.  Also in any field, the 'gurus' tend to take whatever
protocol works best for them, and say that is the way everyone should do it.
  For me, paleo is healthy, but it doesn't necessarily logically follow that
therefore it's also healthy for everyone else.

I tried getting one of my friends to eat paleo for a week.  Normally, he
eats loads of grains and dairy (his parents do too).  He felt absolutely
horrible on the paleo diet.  This tells me that his genes are actually
better suited to a grain and dairy based diet.  Or do u think that he should
continue to eat paleo even though his body is telling him not to?

Waiting for your reply,
Justin Hasselman
Jefferson City, MO