Jean-Claud wrote:

<<it was so good yet i was uneasy with the red color.
Is your beef grass fed ?>>

No, it is not grass fed.  I buy from the local grocer.  Although we have
many milk and dairy farms here, the cows spend their days pent up in their
own feces.   Now here is the kicker, the beef raised here gets shipped out
elsewhere.  We get beef from the neighboring town.  Not grass fed still, but
not grown in their own feces.  Very nasty indeed.  In regards to red color,
yes, that sometimes bothers me also.  Tonight i took a raw steak, tried my
best to grind in the blender with olive oil and fresh garlic.  That was very
good. *I really need a meat grinder*  I have noticed calf liver is much
lighter in color than beef liver.  It must darken as the cow reaches adult.
Thanks Jean-Claude and David for the tips on raw organ meat.  I am going to
look for lamb heart next time.
