Why is it that a person may not do well on a paleo diet? Whether it's a
child or someone who is 100 years old.

When someone switches to a paleo type diet there are some foods that are
added to and some eliminated from the S.A.D.

The Ten Commandments in "Neanderthin" say Do Eat: Meats and Fish, Fruits,
Vegetables, Nuts and Seeds, and Berries. All these foods are part of the
S.A.D. in one form or another. Usually refined and processed. So, why would
someone eating these paleo foods become sick or not do well? If its because
of a specific food intolerance then just eliminate that food.

The Ten Commandments also say Do Not Eat: Grains, Beans, Potatoes, Dairy,
and Sugar. Would taking any of these foods out of the diet make someone
sick? If so, why? A person's genes may not have been altered from eating
these foods but the person may develop a physiological or psychological
dependance on them. Taking them away may make a person feel awful.

I believe it is the removal of specific foods that is making people sick
when they try a paleo diet. Could this not be the body detoxifying? And it
will probably be short term. Maybe some people need to switch slower than
others. Like those that are 100.

Of the "Do Not Eat" foods, do any of them offer something to health that the
"Do Eat" foods don't already cover?
