patricia tipton wrote:
>Justin Hasselman says:
><<Some people have eaten wrong for so long that their genes have altered>>
>It's a little bit early for April Fools....Altered genes????... I don't
>think so............  I think what you are trying to quote is the book
>Eat Right For Your Type..   states if one is a certain blood type, then one
>should be eating grains and such.  *not that i agree with it, though*

No, I'm not trying to quote that book.  I've read parts of the book before,
and I think it's mostly bs.  It sounds great, but bottom line is that it's
just a flashy idea to sell a few books and make $$.  I definitely don't
agree that there's a specific diet for each blood type.  Your suggestion
that I'm trying to quote a book that I never even mentioned is immature.

In case a a few of you missed the initial post on this matter, the kid is
eating paleo and he has actually gotten sick.  Now, maybe he has the flu or
something, but if not, and the sickness continues, then he should quit
eating paleo.

One of the central tenets of paleo is that we respond better (I don't care
if you call it b/c of our 'genes' or whatever) to paleo.  Well, not everyone
is healthy on a paleo diet.  I personally know several life extensionists
who r over 100 and think paleo is a joke -- some of them even tried it and
didn't respond well.

The elitist attitude that some on this last have regarding paleo is quite
humerous to me.  Everyone always wants to take the diet that works best for
them, and start prescribing that diet to everyone else.  It's very similar
to the elitist attitude that some hardline atheist have regarding evolution
of the H. Sapien species.  Even though the fossil evidence doesn't support
it at all, it's impossibe to convince some evolunists that *perhaps* the H.
Sapien didn't evolve.

Justin Hasselman