Todd Moody wrote:

> As you've already realized, your shift to a more sedentary
> lifestyle is probably all the explanation you need.  This
> shouldn't be surprising, but there are two myths that are very
> common in lowcarb and paleo circles that need to be dispelled.
> One is that on a low-carb/paleo diet calories are irrelevant to
> weight loss.  The other is that in ketosis weight loss is
> inevitable and weight gain is impossible.  Both are dead wrong.

Well, how did the paleo people handle this situation?

I'm fairly sure they didn't go on weight-loss diets.  And I can't believe that they
just happened to get exactly the right amount of excersize and food to keep their
figures exactly in line. I have heard that h/g's for example measured about 5-10%
bodyfat (men, I assume) pretty consistently.