On Mon, 7 Feb 2000, Dr. James Alpigini wrote:

> Now a paleo question if I may.  Pre-paleo, I routinely went low-carb to cut
> bodyfat.  I find that I maintain at 2400 calories, and lose at 2000 (per
> day).  On paleo low carb, I have gained 6 pounds of fat in 5 weeks at an
> average of 2400 calories.  I am now (finally) getting the waist to start
> shrinking, but to do it I had to cut calories down to below 1800 per day.
> I lift 3 days per week and ride a recumbent bike at least once a week for
> about a half hour.  I'm not losing strength thank goodness.
> This is weird and I am getting hungry.  I am open to suggestions.  Any ideas?

The other question to ask is this: What would your fat-loss
threshold be on a normal-carb diet?  I'm guessing that it would
also be about 1800 per day.  My other guess is that on paleo your
ratio of protein to fat may be higher than it should be,
resulting in higher insulin levels and a greater tendency to
retain fat.

Looking at your numbers, 6 pounds of fat equals about 21000
calories.  Divided by 35 days, that comes to exactly 600 calories
per day.  Hmmm...

Todd Moody