To whom it may concern:

Have you all seen what is being said back and forth? Do you all see how one
post can cause a frenzy of reactions?  Cause and effect.   I am not going to
point fingers, but one young man, only 3 years younger than my oldest, has
acted, and posted like an average 20 year old.  It is age appropriate.  He
can not help it.  I recall when I was 20, I thought I was the smartest
person in the world, and no one could ever tell me anything.  If you do not
like his posts, don't respond.  Also, if rules are broken often enough, I am
sure the List Owners will remove the problem person.   To who all want to
unsubscribe, please do not.  We all need each other to learn from.  Now for
MHO, if someone posts their own educated gains, I see it as an offering.
Someone who can add to this list.  Letting us know what they have to offer
and where they fit in to help.  With or without a degree,  everyone has
things to offer here.
a cavegirl for 3 months, making an attempt at eating raw meat, from which I
am learning from here.