Heather Archibald wrote:

> I am new to all this I have Inflammatory bowel disease, osteoarthritis and
> fibromyalgia. I have recently been found to have an enlarged ovary a large
> mass of heterogeneous markings. I have a grade 2/6 systolic murmur which I
> think the mass is causing due to the pressure in my abdomen. I have a really
> bad time with food cant eat very much. I cannot eat any sort of red meat. As
> soon as I eat red meat I have very severe pains in my abdomen. I would be
> grateful for any information about better nutrition as I am having a very bad
> time with food. I am going to hospital in two weeks to have a gastroscope and
> CT scan before I am operated on. Any idea's on how to build myself up would
> be greatly appreciated.

If you haven't quit eating all grains, especially gluten-based, I'd definitely
recommend it.  If red meat makes you sick, eat chicken/turkey/seafood.
If you can afford it, get organic chicken/turkey.  Try soups for now: fresh
veggies and certainly greens cooked in chicken broth.  Good luck...
