David Karas wrote:

> Wild Oats and Whole Foods are nation wide Health food chains that may or
> may not be in your area.

Justin, go to  http://www.wholefoods.com/

> I have adopted a non paleo solution and eat at least 5 pounds of raw milk
> cheese a week.

David- do you make the cheese or purchase from a store?  What kind of cheese
do you get, exactly?  What will ingredient list be?

Honestly, every once and a while we do eat cheese and we do not suffer any
adversities to it, that we can tell.  We do this occasionally and might try
the kind you eat.

> Aging seems to improve the digestability of the meat. We seem to
> function well as scavingers in spite of what we are told. The uncovered
> part allows the air to circulate around the meat and will avoid bad
> oders.

Do you ever notice a chemical type taste from your refrigerated foods?  like
freon?  or the chemicals used as coolants?  Uncovered food in our fridge can
taste weird sometimes?  We are not sure what it is attributed to?  Also, what
is your fridge temperature normally to age these meats?

We eat beef raw from Whole Foods and have found the taste to be better.  If
they package it in plastic rather than wax paper it will take on a
plast-icky, chemical taste.  We remove it from packaging when we get home and
put in the freezer.  Does anyone know if the freezer actually kills any
possible bacteria.  We are not sure where but we read that freezing can be
equivalent to searing meats.  We do not have a problem eating it raw any
way.  We might want to try it aged though.

Kendra and Karen