Hi all-

I have a technical background (a degree in electrical engineering which
I no longer "use") though I will be the first to admit that my knowledge
of chemistry/biochem is next to nil.  My question about the
organic/non-organic debate is simply:  How do pesticides "attach"
themselves to the produce?  Are they only on the surface of the fruit or
vegetable (and therefore can be washed or peeled off) or do they
permeate the entire organism (in essence, the fruit or vegetable acts as
a sponge and "soaks up" the pesticide, making the entire produce
contaminated)?  I primarily juice my vegetables (I eat fruit whole to
obtain the fiber and pectin), and I remember Norman Walker (whose
"scientific" pronouncements I take with a large grain of salt!) saying
that toxins only adhere to the fiber of the vegetable, leaving the juice
contaminant-free.  My "gut" feeling (pun intended) is that my body is
better able to handle natural bacteria over man-made chemical compounds,
but I will be open-minded and receptive to any pro or con information
