> From:    Todd Moody <[log in to unmask]>
> But be aware that almost nobody accepts his punk eek
> theory or <snip>

Todd, the *vast* majority of nutritional scientists do
not accept the basic tenets of paleolithic nutrition -
yet that does not, in any way, invalidate paleo. I
think there is probably a happy medium between the PE
theories of Gould and the more traditional Darwinian
theories. PE during times of great environmental
stress, grudual adaptation during times of lesser
environmental stress. I do believe, however, that the
concept of "static" genes is hooey. Too many examples
of adaptation.

> From:    P & L Ventura <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Edible landscape suggestions

Thanks for the suggestions. For anyone interested,
there is a list-group at www.onelist.com that focuses
on edible landscaping ([log in to unmask]).
Also, here's a couple of links to sites that market
edible landscape plants and such (no affiliation). I
checked out Eat-it, and they have a nice selection,
with variations of each plant adaptable for different
