
my goodness, rodent droppings, cigarette ash... What's up with that.  =
Are the employees deliberately contaminating the food because they hate =
people, or have they been instructed to do that by management?  And why =
is that--is it too expensive to put that stuff in the garbage instead of =
in our food?  Or does all that extra stuff add to the volume and =
increase profit? Or both?  Pretty weird.  I just wonder how the people =
who make those decisions can live with themselves.  I don't really blame =
the employees, they may not have a choice.

I'm sure glad I have a Cuisinart.  By the way, grinding your own at home =
not only protects against the things you've mentioned, but also makes a =
better product, in that the inside of the meat is not exposed to air =
until the very moment you are ready to use it--therefore, it is much =
fresher.  And of course, I always spray everything with my spray bottle =
of bleach & wipe with a designated sponge after it has come in contact =
with meat or fish.
