Betty wrote:
>>>"Asexual" 1.  Not having sex, No sex, Nada, Squat, Diddly.  2.  Not
getting any. Causes are varied.
a.  Sometimes the couple in question can be so stressed and busy that
interest in sex takes a back seat.
b.  Sometimes, after having been married for many years (or months as
the case may be) the couple tends to wake up, look over at each other
and think "you again?"
c.  Sometimes it's just a "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus"
kind of thing. The first symptomatic presentation of this causal factor may
be recurring headaches (this symptom often presents in the case of
causal factor b. aswell).
d.  Lack of viable heterosexual partner options (i.e., "All the good ones
are gay or otherwise taken.").
e.  Sometimes, as in my case, thoughts of sex are immediately followed
by thoughts of "been there, done that, bought the tee shirt."  <<<

We'll take a, b, c, e. What is sex again ?

full-time psychiatric nurse,
married to Mark (SAHD),
mother to Robert (NDA) and Anthony (CP) - almost 3 years old!!  HELP!!!