On Friday, February 11, the TV series Law & Order (Special Victims Unit) has
an episode about tracking down a rapist who's statute of limitations is
about to run out. They justify their actions by saying they are removing a
threat from society. Sorry to give away the ending but the rapist is a
paraplegic, and the ending in someways raises questions about the benefits
of prosecution. The episodes should be run on USA network on Sunday February
20, probably at 10 or 11, depending on time zone.

Also there is the story of the Sam Shepard murder. The actual killer is
supposedly a convict, now dead, who ended his life in a WC.

I believe this is another example of society's misconceptions about PWDs and
sexuality, among other things.

1) People in WC's sexual parts don't function.
2) People in WC's are harmless.
As a sexual assault counselor for many years, I can tell you there are many
ways to commit sex offenses w/o using the genitals. I do not believe that
failure to prosecute criminal PWD's helps the image of the rest of PWD's.
Just my 2 cents.Renee
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