<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Yes, Anna i had unexplained chills with no fever.  I have celiac and was
biopsied diagnosed.  Since being g.f. for 6 months, they have abated as well
as the pains you describe, unless i inadvertently get some gluten or lactose.
 i also had bone pain and it is all gone now. I too take thyroid supplements.
I do get the chills after I have ingested dairy. Sometimes followed or
preceded by a low grade fever. I have to stay in bed a day or more . I also
tend to have low blood pressure after Iaccidentally ingest gluten and that
causes me to be very cold. I saw a report that chocolate, mint and citrus
cause severe indegestion. Selecting the foods my blood type has solved my
problem: http://www.nickelranch.com/eatright/contents.htm
(two people recommended this)
I can identify with the chills. The chills feel like they start from inside
out rather than from outside in. Like your blood turns to ice.  But I don't
have  diagnosed Celiac.  I have Microscopic Colitis which is all but cured
with a gluten free diet.  I get the chills as one of the first signs that I
have eaten gluten.
Do you still have your gall bladder?  Your pain/upchucking episodes sound
just like what happened to me before I had to have mine removed.
I also get pain on my left side just below ribs - gall bladder pain is
usually experienced on right when I accidently injest gluten. I put it down
to my immune system destroying the villi in that area.  I also need a bath or
bed to warm up. Once my extremities chill nothing else works. Again I suspect
my coeliac condition to be the cause - as my body is desperately trying to
digest food with a damaged gut it reroutes the blood supply to  the abdomen,
leaving the rest of me out in the cold.
I am not a doctor - but 2 things came to my mind.  Read about Hemochromatosis
- the symptoms sometimes mimic Celiac. Their website is:
It is statistically more common than Celiac, and easier to diagnose (a simple
iron blood test). If it is Celiac - it takes the gut 3-6 months to heal after
going on the gluten-free diet (my doctor told me that) - so this could be the
source for the pain.
I had a similar problem. It finally resolved itself. The celiac specialist I
saw in Dallas, Texas suggested taking Pepto Bismol, and if I became
constipated, to use Milk of Magnesia.  It could be a virus, which is what
mine ended up being. It just it's us harder when we have a digestive disease.
I don't go as far as chills but both my mother and I have a tendency to get
very cold after eating, particularly, for some odd reason, in the middle of
the day.  I am celiac, we don't know about my mother.  It may just mean your
body is working hard on digestion, and diverting blood to the gut.  Stomach
pain to the left may well mean some intestinal difficulty/damage.  I find
that sunlight and exercise (mild) is even better for chills, but if there's
pain, only a nap will do.
I have chronic duodenitis and celiac (both biopsy confirmed). If I understood
it right, the duodenitis might be triggered or made worse by gluten or may
also be from years of Advil for headaches. Zantac seems to help more than
Prilosec. However, I know it gets worse (pain much as you described) when
I've accidentally ingested gluten, yet I don't notice that pain from Advil. I
think it can be an early sign of celiac (villi) damage.

As far as itching, I had it terribly when I was iron deficient. No problem
now that my iron is normal.
Just a thought, dairy is a big problem with stomach and intestinal problems.
I was gluten and dairy free and a few others, but a few months ago I
increased my fruit and vegetable consumption and ran into mega stomach
complaints.  My discomfort was centrally located just below my xyphoid
process...no nausea, almost like a golf ball was stuck there or something.

Well, with a decrease in the fruits and vegetables, now
my stomach is happy, but my headaches are somewhat back.
Had similar problems for about four months. Started off with pain under my
ribs for several nights. Doctor get giving me different medicines. Zantac
300 mg. To make a  long story short. Kept getting worse, lost 25 lbs. Had to
go to the hospital three times with dehydration. Last visit they found out
that my potassium getting dropping low till where I am a potassium pill a
day. Also my blood sugar was running real low. Now on glyset with meals to
help digest the carbohydrates and sugars in my body. He said my pancreas was
not digesting right. Have had all test you can think of from mri, cat scan,
x-ray, endiscope. I am feeling much better now. The doctors does
not think that problem will go to diabetic. Also  he has put me on buspar for
my nerves this week, which seems to help. Still not have gain weight.
I have had many problems with chills!  No matter what I do, I cannot get
warm.  I've never been like this, but since last June, I am constantly cold.
It is the most frustrating thing in the world!  Just hang in there, but
please summerize what others have written to you.
Are you gluten-free now? [Answer is yes, but I did have a little gravy with
corn starch and fudge made with marshmallows (corn syrup) during this time.
Could have been a reaction to it.?]
After I had been on a very strict gluten-free diet for about two years I got
symptoms exactly like yours.   EXACTLY!  My doctor was going nuts because she
couldn't find any reason for the rib and back pain, the chills and all the
rest.  She tried everything with no results at all. Then in desperation she
had me try taking Betain Hydrochloride tablets and I got an instant cure.  It
turned out that I had insufficient Hydrochloric Acid (stomach acid) for my
metabolic needs. This condition was not only causing me to have the pain and
chills it was obviously causing me to pass off the nutrients in my food as
feces.  Sufficient Hydrochloric Acid is absolutely essential for the
assimilation of many nutrients.

I have found that eating smaller quantities of food more frequently and
never completely filling my stomach makes it easier for me to digest food
and I feel much better.  Your doctor will be able to tell you how to try
Betain Hydrochloride and it  will immediately be known whether you have a
deficiency of Hydrochloric Acid or not.  If you do not, you will simply
discontinue the Betain Hydrochloride and there will be no ill effect to you
at all. I have had your symptoms and they are extremely uncomfortable and
My daughter does not have Celiac, but she did have the severe chills after
eating.  Her doctor put her on Prevacid to control the stomach acid & it has
helped her a lot.  She also had severe acid reflux.  Just my personal
opinion, but you might try taking Tums 30 min. before eating or try Zantac
75, something to control the stomach acid & see if that helps.
[Summary re. husband: had a colonoscopy which apparently triggered celiac
disease, which then almost killed him (diahrea).  His symptoms included pain
in the left abdomen and chills]. I'm sure you'll be deluged with people
telling you to get TESTED - and you have to be eating gluten at the time for
the tests to be valid.  But self-diagnosis is dangerous.
Off the top of my head, let me share that my husband takes prilosec for
gastroesophageal reflux disease(GERD). He also is instructed to prop the
head of the bed, so that he does not lie down flat at bedtime, encouraging
the acid to spill into his throat (reflux). I have read that certain foods
relax the lower esophageal sphinxter muscle (the valve that closes the
stomach off from the throat) - these include alcohol, caffeine, chocolate,
spicy foods, onion and garlic. I would like to know if you figure out the
chills - I have always had the problem that I get very cold when others are
literally sweating (I notice I dress differently than everyone else, too, as
I must always have an extra layer handy). My thyroid is allegedly okay,
though I have heard many stories of people being checked for only one thing
and not the other (the stimulating homone) - I was checked for both two
times.  Oh yes, one more thing: I rarely need them, but am awfully glad to
have handy my prescription antispasmotic medicine, Levsin. You put it under
your tongue, and it can make the difference between lying down on the grocery
story floor & getting home!
I get chills without fever frequently. Before I had my right lobe
thyroidectomy, I got chills or shivers when I drank Apple Cider or eating
other types of food. That went away after my surgery. However, I see that it
has returned on a lighter note, but none the less, I am experiencing this
again. I read that it is a sign of an autoimmune problem.   You may want to
check at a medical library for further information.
Could it be your sugar level that gives you chill?It is very hard sometimes
to have it test exactly at the moment you feel bad, but I know there are
urine test that are available (because my father was diabetic )at the
drugstore.  I don't remember the name for sure it could be Clinitest.  You
could have hypoglycemia or mild diabetis symptoms include feeling numb,
feeling as if you were going to faint, having chills, or feeling too hot,
nausea, feeling thirsty. I know medication gives me hypoglycemia, I don't
take medication often but sinutab gave me a very bad episode and syrup with
codeine.Have you ever try accupuncture, it helped me a lot.