Hi -

I'm not sure what MSPI is ... but there are several web sites that can suggest
safe foods to eat, good recipes, useful cookbooks, and so forth that may
help you out.  Mine is listed below, and links to many others.

You WILL have to read the ingredients when you buy processed foods.  The Food
Allergy Network sends out alerts much of the time when a food is mislabeled,
and has a great web site.

I know it's a bit late now, but did you try to breastfeed?  Most babies who
can't tolerate milk-based formulas  thrive on breast milk, provided the
mother in question is eating a diet free of the child's allergens.  (But as
I said, I'm not sure what MSPI is.)  Still, it may be something to consider
if/when you have another baby.

I hope this helps.
--Beth Kevles
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  http://web.mit.edu/kevles/www/nomilk.html -- a page for the milk-allergic