On Mon, 24 Jan 2000 23:13:31 -0600 Michael Audette
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
>   Perhaps in more southern climates. Perhaps people, when they
> migrated
> through the tundra, had adapted to that lifestyle, while people, say
> in
> Africa, didn't have to. Are you African? Would Africans be
> considered
> Gather-Hunters?
> `
> [log in to unmask]
well here is something to ponder...........  i was talking about the
paleo diet to an acquaintance.. when i got to the part about the
hunter/gatherer,  he states. well yes, Asians were always good at hunting
and gathering.  I mentioned the fact we all came from Africa..... he
laughed and said most people assume so.... but we all originated from
Asians.  I didn't argue the point,  just smiled and went on with my
description of the diet.  I went to look up research to substantiate his
statement and found none.  Any comments to this?
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