Hi Susana,

What are your symptoms.  I just went to see a gastroenterologist to give
me a test for celiac desease.  He didn't think I had it because my
symptoms are mild but bothersome.  I'm scheduled to have a biopsy in a
month after I have been back on week again.  I am very suspicious that I
do have it because I feel so much better after I'm off milk and wheat.
Becky Leppard

On Thu, 27 Jan 2000 14:37:23 -0600 Ginger Conner <[log in to unmask]>
> Dear Susanna,
> I have been absent from this list for several weeks so there's no
> telling
> what I've missed.  Your e-mail sent up a red flag though.  Did
> anyone
> mention celiac disease?  I first suspected that I had it from
> reading info
> on the internet about allergies.  My symptoms are very similar to
> yours.  I
> also avoid milk products and, although it has taken more than 2
> years, I am
> finally free of the horrible symptoms and feeling wonderful most of
> the
> time.
> Ginger, Mississippi

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