
I didn't hear the power supply come on when I turned it on but then I was not listening for it. The video card works happily on another board but the memory and cpu had not been touched during the transfer. They worked perfectly in one case and when I swapped boards I left them in situ. I have not tried them in another board since because I'm fairly sure they're ok. This only leads to one other conclusion which I'm desperately trying to avoid acknowledging.

Thanks for your interest and help. It is much appreciated.

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>Did you hear the power supply come on when you turned it on?  In either
>case?  If the power supply is coming on but the board is not responding, you
>could very likely have damaged it.  The only other way to know for sure is
>to take ALL of the components off the suspect motherboard, put them in
>another motherboard, and try again.  If it works at that point, you know the
>other board is fried.  Ouch!  HTH.


> I transferred a fully functional Abit BH6 motherboard to a new case
recently and connected up a video card, mouse, keyboard, floppy and hard
drive and 64Mb of memory. Large snip ................
> Can someone confirm that I've wrecked the board or perhaps tell me where
I'm going wrong? I must have had a mental block to connect up the wrong way
round and yes it is possible!!
> Gerry Coburn

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