I have an interesting problem that crops up from time to time. When I
shutdown the system (start-shutdown-shutdown computer), the computer will
hang on a green screen with a yellowish line about 1/3 down the screen
spanning the width of the screen. I built the system two weeks ago and the
only program installed onto the machine is Simply Accounting ver 7.0  System
particulars are:
Win98 SE
Intel Celeron 400Mhz
1st Mainboard ATX MoBo
S3 3D/2X Video Card
Yamaha XG Sound Card
Smartlink V.90 56K Modem
Standard PS/2 keyboard & mouse

There are no other programs running at shutdown and I have Antivirus detect
turned off in the BIOS.

I'm wondering if perhaps there may be a corrupt sound file (the microsoft
sound), or maybe the problem could be with the video adapter itself? any
thoughts or ideas greatly appreciated!
Thanks, Jim.
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