I already gave them a piece of my mind.  Go to www.cbs.com and select
"FEEDBACK".  You can then choose the program and your type of
feedback...probably "complaint".  The program seemed to be an ad for

I agree with Ray that any exposure is better than no exposure.  Any rational
thinking primate would recognize that pills or stomach surgery is not the
answer, but Americans are generally impatient/lazy.  They want instant
results.  When I first started the paleo woe I lost 27 lbs in 3 weeks (all
fat and water).  That is fast (and healthy).

I think "Neanderthin" will take off only after it achieves some degree of
credibility.  Eades and Atkins are doctors, while Ray is a caveman.  The
general public would probably believe the former before the latter.  Or a
celebrity endorsement would work...like Suzanne Somers and her version of
low-carb that was pirated from a doctor.

Brad Cooley
Houston, TX

        Diana wrote:
>      Does anybody know if "48 Hours" has a web site? I'd like to give them
> a
> piece of my mind, such as it is.
>      Di
> ------------------------------