Hello, all!

Hope I'm not wearing out my welcome by posting twice in a day, but I found a
tasty treat at the health food store the other day: Nutiva's Honeybar Treat.
  I think it's paleolithically correct --

Ingredients: sunflower seeds, honey, shelled hempseeds, flax seeds, and
pumpkin seeds.

It does say on the label "may contain traces of peanuts" but I think this is
required by law because some people are allergic to peanuts.  I'm willing to
live with the threat of one peanut speck; big whoop.  It tastes good and
makes the perfect snack or mini-meal.  All the other low-carb "health bars"
are nothing but soy and artificial sweetneners.

It's perfect for someone with an insulin problem; only 6g carbs per bar when
you take out the fiber.  For all the skinny go to www.nutiva.com

Dori Zook
Denver, CO

(who has nothing to gain financially by posting this info, just passing it
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