Okle-eee Dokle-ee, neighbor-eenos, go to....


This is the site.  Scroll down, look to the left and click on 'Shop the
Low-Carb Store'.  OptiSweet's not too far down on that page.  I know many
would think honey a better sweetening ingredient, but with my insulin
resistance, it's really not an option.

Also, I love to have people over for dinner.  I like to make a nice
after-dinner treat that my shrinking body can handle.  Sweetening only with
stevia gives most culinary creations a bitter edge, so it's worth it to have
this stuff around for the next time company comes, if nothing else.  If I
could perfect flan made with coconut milk (couldn't get it to set properly
the first time), I think people would beg me cook them dinner and dessert!

Bon appesweet!

Dori Zook
Denver, CO

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