Oh...so that's how it works.  Ok good because I really dont know about carbs
either.  I mean, is that 1/3 by weight, vol or cals?

So I am hoping that if I eat just meat and fish and chicken for a day (I
leave the skin and fat on) that I will go into ketosis, and then I will know
what ketosis feels like.  And once I know what ketosis is, then I will know
what I am really aiming for, right?  To stay on the border of ketosis.

If I eat only steak and seafood and chicken for a day will it make me
ketosis? What is the minimum number hours of no carbs before you hit
ketosis?  Or is this excessive for a beginner, and should I have an apple or
something too that day?

So I am assuming I will know ketosis when I feel it? I will identify it even
without experience and a stick? (!)

Probably up til now about 1/3 my cals have been from carb, I dunno..just
guessing...but I was hoping I would know what ketosis feels like by now.
Does it wake you up in the middle of the night so you cant go to sleep?
Does it make you restless?

Ding ding ding lights finally going off...


((Over time, you'll find the point that you go into ketosis, and can
balance in and out as needed to regain weight loss. When you reach your
desired weight, the idea would be to keep at a level just above ketosis.))