Amadeus wrote:

>I wonder if that would have been possible with natural carbohydrate too.
>Sweet potatoe, broccoli, spinach , nuts , not too sweet fruit.

Oh, it's not that I eat no carbs, far from it.  Just keep them low.  Carbs I
eat on a regular basis: salad greens, tons of spinach, nuts, broccoli,
cauliflower, onions, some tomatoes (not many, though), yellow squash,
zucchini, some eggplant from time to time, bell peppers, collards, cabbage,
and a few fruits - mostly berries but an orange and some honeydew or
cantaloupe every now and then.  This is just a ballpark, but I eat maybe 30g
carb a day.

Dori Zook, PWT*
Denver, CO

*poor white trash ;)
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