Error - template LAYOUT-DATA-WRAPPER not found

A configuration error was detected in the CGI script; the LAYOUT-DATA-WRAPPER template could not be found.

Error - template STYLE-SHEET not found

A configuration error was detected in the CGI script; the STYLE-SHEET template could not be found.

Error - template SUB-TOP-BANNER not found

A configuration error was detected in the CGI script; the SUB-TOP-BANNER template could not be found.
Ed Bogert <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
PCSOFT - Personal Computer software discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 9 Jan 2003 11:35:53 -0500
text/plain (8 lines)
Hello to you all: I have a machine that contains (2) hard drives. On drive C: I've installed Win98SE and it worked really well,note the term "worked,in the past tense.I had decided to install WinXP Pro on the second drive D:. Nothing like having two OS's right?---WRONG. XP was all that was touted about it until I started loading applications and programs into it. First it says this won't work and that is not acceptable to M$and this is not digitally signed that won't run with XP, need administrator permission to do this and, that and so on and, so on. Got sick of the fight so I decided to remove XP from drive D:. This is where everything really fell apart. Since I couldn't find a way in XP to to remove,it, I decided to restart in MSDOS mode so I could just format D: and go on.
      WRONG again. Machine just sits there with a blank screen for hours until I hit the restart button or, ctrl-alt-del.  I finally decided to insert a 98se boot disc along with win98se cd-rom and, go from there. It was sucessful in that it removed all the info on drive D:. I thought my troubles were over then.                                                                            WRONG again. First it seems that some of XP's quirks have leached over into Win98se system. I cannot get rid of the Win XP choice upon boot up. I cannot restart in the msdos mode. I have nothing at all listed in the config sys.  Quite frankly, I don't know where or what to do or HOW to resolve these problems. Obviously ,as you can tell by this letter, I'm not an OS expert or, anything near for that matter. I just need to know how to get my Win98 to work like it used to before I got this wild hair for XP. Anything short of a format that is. Something like step by step instructions for this "dummy". Any he
lp would be much appreciated.  Thanks.  Ed Bogert

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