Error - template LAYOUT-DATA-WRAPPER not found

A configuration error was detected in the CGI script; the LAYOUT-DATA-WRAPPER template could not be found.

Error - template STYLE-SHEET not found

A configuration error was detected in the CGI script; the STYLE-SHEET template could not be found.

Error - template SUB-TOP-BANNER not found

A configuration error was detected in the CGI script; the SUB-TOP-BANNER template could not be found.
"Brown, Douglas" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
PCSOFT - Personal Computer software discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 16 Nov 1998 07:53:34 -0500
text/plain (24 lines)
Geng Wrote;
>Hello, everyone;
>        I recently download a file  with file extention .smx from
>internet, but I do not know which software to open it!!!
>        Any suggestions are most grateful.

Did you just download the latest version of Netscape using the auto
Download function?

If I remember correctly, the instructions say that you need to name it
something.  Try renaming the file to something with an "exe" extension.
Then try running it.

If that doesn't work then try returning to where you downloaded the file
and see if there are any suggestions.


             PCSOFT maintains many useful files for download
              on our web site - visit our download page at:


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