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Anne Barfield <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 29 Sep 1998 09:45:59 -0500
text/plain (34 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Dear Listmates,

I just returned from a trip using American and British Air.  I would
like to share my experience with you on British Air.

On the flight from London Gatwick to Marseille, France they had not
received the message in my record  for a GF meal, so I ate my "reserve
package" that I carried.  On the return, after calling and reconfirming
the GF meal for my 7 20 am flight, I received the tray setup with a dish
of couscous and canned mushrooms under saran wrap.  Along with the
canned fruit cocktail and stale rice cake.

I asked the flight attendant what it was (as I suspected couscous).  He
studied it, checked with the other attendants, and they said...looked
like couscous to them.  So, I said thanks anyway, but here, take it
back.  I had 2 week old bread that I had brought with me to France, and
had been in a freezer until 2 days before.  The flight attendant asked
me what I usually ate, or what would I like.  So I jokingly said, "Oh, a
nice plate of bacon and eggs would be nice!" He insisted I take his
personal meal because he wasn't planning to eat it.  It was funny ham,
with an omelet with only egg in it.  Quite sufficient to get me to the
next flight.

Even though the catering dept. had no idea what GF means, the crew made
up for the inconvenience, and also handed me a comment card to fill out
and turn in.  And they apologized profusely.  I will  continue to order
GF meals, (and carry a backup meal with me) because I feel that the more
the request is made, the more likely it will be easier for the next
person.  We really have to get the word out.  Someday, I will make the
request, and the server will say, "Oh, yes...do you have celiac
disease?"  I will be so astonished I probably will be speechless.