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Print Reply
Fri, 26 May 2000 12:50:38 +0200
Pilar Ramirez <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (95 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

The spanish letter that you can find at the archives of celiac is not

The correct one is:

Por orden medica me esta prohibido ingerir alimentos que contengan o
deriven del trigo, avena, cebada y centeno, (pan, galletas, bolleria,
macarrones, fideos, croquetas, malta, embutidos porque pueden contener
almidon de trigo, etc.)por lo tanto no me esta permitido tomar ningun
alimento que este empanado, rebozado o espesado con harina.

Puedo tomar maiz, arroz, patatas, verduras, pescados y carnes (todos
estos alimentos a la plancha, hervidos, asados, guisados (saldas
espesadas con maicena o patata).

El aceite usado para los fritos (por ejemplo patatas fritas) tiene que
ser limpio (que no haya sido utilizado para freir empanados o
rebozados)para que no este contaminado.

Por favor, si tiene alguna duda durante la preparacion de la comida, no
dude en preguntarme.

Muchas gracias.

The problem with beans, peas, lentils.....  is that they may contain
"morcilla" or "chorizo" (blood sausage/black pudding or hard pork
sausage) so they also can contain starch wheat.

There is no problem at all with sausage CASADEMONT or PALACIOS
(although sometimes they don't have the slogan CONTROLADO POR FACE
printed, because is very new.).

You can ask for a list of gluten free spanish products (the
manufactures say to us that their products are gluten free), at ACM
(Madrid Coeliac Association) Plaza de Espana 18, 40, Oficina 20.
(Torre de Madrid) 28008 Madrid (Spain) Telephone number:  91 541 09 39
/fax:  91 542 00 42

Enjoy your trip


There is a restaurant in Madrid which is recommended by ACM
(Association of celiacs of Madrid) which is specialist in rice food.
It's called "LA PAELLERIA EL ARROZAL" , placed in the center of Madrid,
Cava San Miguel street, 3.  Telephone number:  91 - 365 39 09.  The
secret is that the owner has a celiac child, so they usually have free
of gluten bread and they can advise you about what to eat gluten free.
I hope you enjoyed it.  Also, you should ask for grill food (in spanish
is called "a la plancha") , (steak, sepia ( it's like a fish), prawns,
pulpo a la gallega (octupus), pulpo a la vinagreta, tortilla de patatas
(you must ask if they cook fries in separate oil), emperador a la
plancha (it's a fish) and salad.  Be careful with Paella because of
colorants ( if they use safron there is no problem at all, you can take
your own safron and ask to them to cook with it).  Wheat flour is
usually used to thick sauces.



I forgot to tell you that the best mark of gluten free products in
Spain it's call PROCELI (bakery products).  You can find it in EL CORTE
INGLES.  They have a contract signed with FACE (Federation of
Asocciations of Spanish coelics) so, all theirs products are garanteed
that they are gluten free, because they pass through analitical
controls periodically.  (They are tested).  Dr.  SCHAR have been tested
several times, and their results have been good.  (It have no been
detected gluten in it) The other marks are no so sure.  In Spain is
forbidden to use the slogan/legend "SIN GLUTEN" (GLUTEN FREE ), because
some manufacturers were not very serious and they don't use it well .
The products which are tested by FACE have printed the legend
"CONTROLADO POR FACE".  (till now there is very few products with that

Example:  Galletas Gullon sin gluten (cookies), chorizo PALACIOS, baby
food NUTRIBEN (in pharmacies).

The best thing is to ask for meat or fish grilled with a salad, or
boiled vegetables served with oil and wine vinegar (judias verdes con
jamon or "rehogadas" (with garlic fried in oil), guisantes con jamon,
alcachofas (artichokes), (always ask if they have thicked the sauce
with wheat flour), cordero asado (roasted lamb).....

Be careful with first dishes which contain "morcilla" or "chorizo".
(COCIDO (soup, peas, meat), JUDIAS BLANCAS (beans), LENTEJAS (lentils).

---Mensaje original-----
De: [log in to unmask] [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Enviado el: sabado 13 de mayo de 2000 2:37
Para: [log in to unmask]