Wed, 1 Dec 1999 09:34:40 -0800
My dad had good health except for knee problems. Just recently he was in the
hospital for 8 weeks for multiple knee surgeries. Sadly, he just had a small
How would paleo prevent strokes?
He also told me before this latest stroke, when he was on a "rehab" ward
for the knees, that he saw many, many women in their 40s with stokes. Would
that be from the "low fat" craze? Or what?
And, could his stroke be related to having all these surgeries and spending
all those weeks in the hospital?
ps Paleo thinkers , do you think a thyroid can be restored without
medication? I am not asking for medical advice, only, do you have any
anecdotal evidence of where a thyoid gland has returned to normal
functioning with time on a paleo diet? One of my friends with a vaccine
damaged child had great results on thyroid meds. But the child was more
obviously low thyroid than my son. His basal temp is around 96.8. So I am
wondering what I should do. I hate to get him on any prescription drug.