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Trisha Cummings <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List
Mon, 5 Jun 2000 13:57:58 -0400
text/plain (51 lines)
Hi Bobby and Ken!!!

      I know when I was new to this - I desperately wanted an adult with CP
like Amber's to talk too. I couldn't find one. I wanted to know things that
Amber had no way of articulating as a baby. At that time she had no apparent
pain sensation in her her right side - or even acknowdgement of having an
arm or hand there. I had left Amber in father's care and he taken her and
placed her on the concrete patio - while he did some yard work and she was
crawling by then, and he didn't think or anticipate her moves and I got her
later, with the back of her right hand all torn up from dragging it across
the concrete - but it did not seem to hurt her and I had horrible concerns
about what could happen with no pain sensation. I had always in much as
possible to tried to place myself in Amber's shoes in an effort to
anticipate problems or accidents and not overly frustrate her with things
she couldn't accomplish. Its Ironic that in trying to make sure she was
always able to have her left and adept hand available - I carried her
exclusive on my right hip and twisted a portion my spine ( the vertabrae)
until they actually point sideways. I was intent on helping her I forgot -

     While by the time I finally found lists for parents - due to getting a
computer and getting Internet access - I found I had oldest kid and I was
helping other parents - becasue I could still remember my frustration - I
figured Amber now articulate and I had a enough experience. Periodically I
still have questions or situations arise with Amber that it is nice to have
other opinions and help with.

      While we parents may not be physically disabled - our lives certainly
don't go on as they where nor do they ever return to a normal status.
Depending on how severely the child is affected - you give up a portion of
your life - perhaps the entire rest of it and goodly amounts of your imcome,
a significant amount of marriages bite the dust, relationships with friends
and family can be severed depending on their acception of what has happened,
your health and physical abilities becaome impaired due to stress and
injuries can occur once the kids get older and bigger.  The disablilty
affects everyone they associated with. Mother, Father, Sister, Brother,
Grandparents, future spouse and children etc. The entire family is in effect

                                                         Brightest Blessings

> you know bobby, i don't think my parents did either.
> I often wish my mother had had access to a similar list. I don't think she
> ever talked to another parent with a CP child.
> Bobby