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Sat, 19 Feb 2000 11:07:01 -0700
Erik Hill <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (73 lines)
I've ended up on this same diet, minus the oil in the salad dressing and
the spicy lemonade.

I used to eat several pounds of fruit a day.  But after failing to lose
any more weight, and actually gaining some (arg!) I've decided to lose
the fruit for a few months.  After that perhaps I'll put it back in the
kind of moderation you have it.  But I'll probably stick to a handful of
berries as opposed to apples, because I feel they are more paleo, and
because they have more flavor it seems to me.  But, I noticed that
according to , berries actually have a bit MORE
free grams of carbohydrate / gram than a lot of other fruit, they don't
seem to be dramatically lower in any case (compare an apple to a
blueberry for example).

Anyway, I have a salad in the morning (lemon juice, lettuce and spinach,
other veggies like sliced radishes, shredded carrot (I slice or shred
the higher carb veggies to make more go a longer way, bought a Japanese
veggie chopper, WOW those things are sharp).

Now that I'm not eating so much fruit, it seems that veggies taste
better now.

Since I react allergically to every oil I've tried (which is strange, I
didn't know people could react to oils, my understanding was that
allergies are protein reactions... oh well) including (and especially)
olive oil, I can't find an oil to use in my salad.  For now I use
sunflower seeds and sliced hard-boiled eggs to get some fat in there.
Maybe I'll throw in meat slices later, and perhaps nuts, which I've had
a varied relationship with, so to speak.  If someone has thought of an
oil I haven't (I've tried olive, safflower, and another s-oil which is
escaping me at the moment.  Perhaps I'll try hemp and flax, haven't
tried those yet)

Looking for new veggies to test.  Also thought of throwing in toasted
mealworms, I'll tell you how that turned out (they are supposed to taste
JUST LIKE POTATOES!  Wow, I'll go for that.

For meat I like the exotic.  I'm known for ordering all sorts of odd
meat like wild boar, carabou (reindeer), and so on.  I'm gonna go to the
ostrich-race today in Chandler, Arizona (where I live).  I'll have a
fork and knife in hand, keenly eyeing the laggers...  I'm convinced that
if the entire audience did that, the ostriches would run a lot faster.
(just kidding) -- The price however, is too high for me, so only about a
third of my meat is exotic, the rest is just beef, chicken, and pork

I eat a big meat at breakfast and dinner, and a small lunch (which is
usually my salad and small amount of meat).  I'm likely to eat at least
some meat at every meal however.

(breakfast = meat and eggs, lunch salad, with or without meat, dinner =
salad with meat)

Hey Micki, how much do you weigh?  (I hope this question is OK on this
list, I understand it's a social no-no in the rest of the world).
I ask because I'm hoping I will lose the weight I've gained while eating
all those fruits on this modified diet, and want to see if you've
stabalized at some kinda paleo-like weight.

I'm 160lbs right now, I'm a male at 5'10", my thinnest (before I fell in
love with large quantities of fruit) was 152lbs, at which time I had a
body fat percentage of 12.1%.

Current paleo projects:
#1:  Make the pefect salad.
#2:  Discover new veggies and use spice veggies in salads.
#3:  Eat a bug.
#4:  Find an oil that works.
#5:  Find a relatively cheap way to get cool meats
#5a:  perhaps leatn to hunt, fish, and trap.

Erik Hill