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Tue, 1 Feb 2000 13:24:32 -0500
"Raymond, Charles E. x1280" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (29 lines)
Why do the employees dump garbage into the meat grinder? For laughs, why do
fast food workers spit on hamburgers and pee in drinks? Why do they drop
your food on the floor, pick it up and toss it back on the plate? I saw many
disgusting things, meat cutters spitting the grinders, etc. I was told by
one of the cutters one time that it helps add volume to the ground meat and
they don't have to add so much real meat. A sad way to increase profits if
you ask me, I'm very wary of any ground meats be they chicken, turkey, pork,
or beef. After reading the crap they put into pet foods earlier this morning
I'm even more wary of that crap. When I get home, come hell or high water,
all the dog food is in the trash. I've been poisoning my dog and not even
knowing about it, we've been poisoning ourselves with the processed foods
and the companies behind it know it, I'm really starting to get ticked off.
Maybe it's a secret agenda, maybe the rich folks are content eating their
imported, organic foods while the rest of us try to squeak by on Coca-Cola,
chips, cereal, milk and breads. We'll all die off and they'll be happy.
Maybe that's why there's medical care today, to keep us alive long enough to
get 65 years worth of work out of us in order to line their pockets. Then if
we live beyond that we have to pay out of our own pockets cause the
insurance companies and the government sure as hell won't take care of us.
Of course I'm just letting off steam, but it sure doesn't sound that far
fetched to me. Where do aliens fit into the Paleo diet? They must eat space
cattle or something? If you're a Paleo Space Alien lurking on this list,
please introduce yourself. Maybe that's why there are so many strange cattle
mutilations? They take the organs and leave the carcass, jokes on them
though, the beef is probably tainted with enough chemicals that they will
glow even greener than they are now. Maybe that's the point, they need
something to maintain their high-pro glow? I gotta quit, I'm about to pee on
myself, lol.