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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Ben Balzer <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 20 Jan 2000 19:38:32 +1100
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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Well, this is paleofood and the paleo POV is of course that all these
diseases are caused by the Neolithic diet and environmental toxins, and that
everything else is a side issue including the treatment.

Ear infections are an interesting choice of mine, maybe I've shot myself in
the foot- although doctors usually give antibiotics, the benefits are
marginal in most studies , and it is said (but I haven't seen it officially)
that in Sweden it is common practice to give no antibiotics, but observe
them, and if pain is intense to pierce the eardrum to release the pressure.
Perhaps we should all just wait a couple of days and see what happens. The
big issue, without any doubt, is that the affected child is followed up, and
any glue ear or long term hearing impairment is dealt with. So, while the
early treatment probably doesn't matter, the long term follow up is

Ear infections usually arise from throat infections. The medical community
don't really know why throat infections are so common, but the paleo POV has
the answers- Neolithic foods turn the mouth into a breeding ground for
bacteria- the lectins strip the mucus defence, cause lymphatic tissue
enlargement and poor performance, the starches break down and feed the bugs,
and the protease inhibitors probably help protect the bugs. We all would
have mouths full of cavities etc if it weren't for fluoride. IMHO the big
misfortune of fluoride is that if wasn't around then paleo diets would be
popular for dental protection alone. As the teeth are hardened they don't
rot, but the mouth is still infested with bacteria and a breeding ground for
anything that comes along- therefore all the throat and ear infections. It
is said that a human bite is worse than an animal bite- more bacteria, more
likely to be infected (maybe unless the animal has the misfortune to be
eating commercial grain based pet food).

So, in fact doctors and chiropractors are both wrong in the paleo view. The
paleo diet is the best treatment but most people will naturally not see it
as the best option for them. Still, faced with hearing impairment and the
recommendation of drainage and ear grommet tubes, people might change their

Informatics calculate that the average physicians consultation involves
2,700 separate decisions, so it's a wonder that mistakes don't occur more
often, especially in understaffed overworked areas like emergency rooms.
Hospital care is so much more expensive in the USA but you don't seem to get
a lot more for the money. Of course, every single mistake gets counted as
the cause of death or a contributor. And Dave, like every one else expects
us to be correct 100.0000000%. Well I am, but I'm also incredibly handsome
and one of the finest sexual technicians of the late 20th/early 21st
centuries, so you can't compare me to everyone else. Only kidding? Maybe.

But the statistics that really speak volumes are life expectancy- and life
expectancy is UP. People live longer despite getting sicker earlier eg over
50% obesity, over 50% hypertension, over 20% diabetes. One unfortunately
concludes that the medical profession is doing a great job of keeping people
alive but that they are starting medication earlier and staying on it for
longer. BTW, I thought that AIDS was the leading cause of death in the USA
under 45 years. Murder used to be about number 2 or 3 but has had a big drop
I hear.

As for our life force, well I think the hunter gatherer folks of this world
are more spiritual we Westerners. The people belong to the land, the land
doesn't belong to the people, and the price we pay for wounding the land and
taking the grain is wounded life force, and a life of disease. Like that?
Got a million of them. But you can't expect the life force to be healthy
after a lifetime without proper nourishment from the first day of weaning!
And no amount of faith or mediation will heal that.

Quick survey of the readership- what effect has paleo diet had on the number
of throat infections you get- same/ more/ less+ milder/ more severe. I'll be
first- less and milder.

Paleo of course has the ability to put the medical and chiropractic
professions out of a job- but if you look at the rubbish people put into
their supermarket trolleys, you'll see that we have a rosy future!

Dr (call me anything but late for dinner)Ben Balzer