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"St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List" <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 12 Feb 2000 17:42:35 PST
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"St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (45 lines)
I have been divorcing since November of 1997,and hopefully it will be final
this month. I am finally taking definitive steps to date again. Its been do
long I think I might qualify as virginal again.:-) Lets not start any more
misconceptions about disabled women. Maybe the women you've met have
experienced long, dry spells and figure they need to take when they can get
it. Or maybe they just do want to prove its a myth that disabled women
aren't sexual. In any case, have fun. :-)Renee

>From: Betty Alfred <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: "St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List"
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: PDWs
>Date: Sat, 12 Feb 2000 19:52:04 EST
>Back up the Trojan chariot Paul.  I can't believe there is a
>number of PDWs (Promiscuous Disabled Women).
>But just out of curiosity dear, are you turning these fast fillies down?
>In a message dated 02/12/2000 7:32:11 PM Eastern Standard Time,
>[log in to unmask] writes:
><< My problem with sexuality and disabled women lately has been that those
>  dated have tried to prove something.  It seems like they are going out of
>  their way to prove they are sexual.  They have slept with a lot of guys
>  before I came along and have gotten into the promiscuous lifestyle.
>  I am sexual in the sense that I am a man and I know who I am and enjoy
>  with women.  But I am not promiscuous and don't believe in casual sex.
>  Aren't there any disabled virgins any more?  It doesn't seem like it.  It
>  seems like the disabled women I am meeting want to do it just to prove
>  can.  Sheesh.
>  Paul V. >>

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