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Kelly Ford <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
VICUG-L: Visually Impaired Computer Users' Group List
Mon, 9 Nov 1998 05:51:15 -0800
text/plain (290 lines)
>X-From_: [log in to unmask] Mon Nov 09 07:01:34 1998
>Delivered-To: [log in to unmask]
>Date:         Mon, 9 Nov 1998 07:21:11 +0100
>Reply-To:     "BLIND-DEV: Development of Adaptive Hardware & Software for the
>              Blind/VI" <[log in to unmask]>
>Sender:       "BLIND-DEV: Development of Adaptive Hardware & Software for the
>              Blind/VI" <[log in to unmask]>
>From:         Hans Zoebelein <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject:      survey: users who are blind and Linux OS
>To:           [log in to unmask]
>Hi Blind-dev people
>the German computer journal C't (Computing Technics) will publish a
>report which deals with support for the user who is blind using the
>Linux operating system.
>C't got some fame for their articles which exposed fake Pentium CPU
>chips. They also reported about the useless memory enhancers under
>Windows. Stuff which shines up in C't is valued for its technical
>Mr. Fremerey is the journalist who writes the report in C't.
>He needs information concerning your usage of computers.
>Mr. Fremerey is an active supporter of computing for people who are
>blind and also a supporter of the Linux operating system.
>This report could trigger further support for Blinux coming from
>a Linux distributor and might help to provide you with a freely
>available operating system specially adapted to your needs.
>To get more insight into your evaluation of operating systems he needs
>your help. Please fill out the attached questionnaire and send it back
>to me. My email address is:
>[log in to unmask]
>Please contribute and help by providing these data.
>Every questionnaire sent back is important and will help to
>evaluate the future steps possible for users who are blind.
>As louder we speak as better we will be heard. This could be an
>important step towards a Blinux distribution on CD-ROM or even more!
>If you want, I can remove any personal trace from your answer before
>sending the questionnaire back to Mr. Fremerey. So your answers would be
>totally anonymous. So if you resend me the questionnaire, please let me know
>if you prefer to stay anonymous.
>[begin questionnaire]
>The     Blinux     Project
>Q U E S T I O N N A I R E
>Dear participants of the Blinux and other related lists,
>as Blinux is now well into its third year of existence, it seems to be a
>good time to evaluate its impact. The result of this evaluation will be
>posted to the lists and will also be published in c't-magazine, Germany.
>Hans Zoebelein and I decided to evaluate using a form to be filled in by
>you: we want to keep the time we ask you to contribute to this effort as
>short as possible.
>Please fill in the form and send it back to Hans as soon as you receive
>We then hope to deliver a significant piece of information back to you
>by the end of the month. Entries will be accepted until 15 November.
>Thank you very much for your contribution.
>***Privacy [data protection] note:
>all information provided by you will be treated with due care and used
>for the specified purpose only.
>Hans Zoebelein and Frank Fremerey
>Muenchen / Bonn 8. November 1998
>-------------- cut here ----------------------------
>Blinux Questionnaire
>0. The intention of this questionnaire is to evaluate whether Blinux
>is useful for blind/vi computer users, so please start with a short
>characterization of your viewing ability (please add asterisk (*) at the
>appropriate position):
>==> I am blind
>==> I am visually impaired
>==> other, please specify:
>1.      Age (give number)
>2.      Primary Language used in computing
>(please add asterisk (*) at the appropriate position)
>==> English
>==> Spanish
>==> French
>==> German
>==> Portugese
>==> Italian
>==> other, please specify:
>3.      Computing experience - skill-level)
>3.1 years of experience with DOS
>(please give number)
>3.2 years of experience with Windows
>(please give number)
>3.3 years of experience with Linux
>(please give number)
>3.4 years of experience with the internet
>(please give number)
>3.5     I consider myself
>(please add asterisk (*) at the appropriate position)
>==> Computer expert
>(I install operating systems and I am generally able to solve any major
>hardware or software problem myself and/or I am a programmer)
>==> Experienced amateur
>(I can install application programs, customize them and solve most of
>the every day problems that appear while using a computer)
>==> Experienced User
>(Generally I have control over the computer and feel comfortable solving
>minor problems where they appear)
>==> General User
>(I feel comfortable using my application programs and I am as
>interested in the details of the machine as I am interested in the
>interior of my television. Machines should do what they promise. Leave
>the rest to experts)
>4.      Computer-usage (where?)
>I use computers
>==> at home
>==> at work
>==> I work at home
>==> both (home and work)
>==> other, please specify:
>5.      Computing Experience - programs/solutions
>I have used the following Blinux Solutions up to date:
>I am using the following Blinux Solutions at the moment:
>I have used the following DOS Solutions up to date:
>I am using the following DOS Solutions at the moment:
>I have used the following Windows Solutions up to date:
>I am using the following Windows Solutions at the moment:
>6.      Computer usage (rating)
>Of the solutions you know, which do you feel is the best for the
>following purposes?
>(please specify according to the following Example: *Purpose*
>Word processing - *product/platform* Word Perfect/DOS)
>*purpose*                       *product/platform*
>Word processing
>Programming environment
>other, please specify:
>3.9     Blinux (rating)
>In your opinion, which are  the main advantages / disadvantages of
>Blinux solutions, compared to other solutions you know (please give
>rating in points using 9 points = very good; 0 points = pretty poor)
>==> Ease of use - Points:
>==> Comfort - Points:
>==> Compatibility (Hardware) - Points:
>==> Compatibility (Software) - Points:
>==> Stability - Points:
>==> Price - Points:
>==> other, please specify and rate:
>4.      Comments / Wishlist:
>Please tell us how Blinux has changed your computing experience and what
>is missing, which Blinux-solutions need to be developed:
>Thank you very much for you contribution!

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