Hello Russ,
Monday, August 30, 1999, 5:20:31 PM, you wrote:
>> I have the same problem. When I first loaded 95 on my machine I would get
>> an acurate modem rate. After about a month, I would get an acurate rate on
>> occasion, and the 115 rate all other times. Another couple months along and
>> I would always read 115, even with a monitoring problem. How did I fix it?
>> Windows 98.
RP> When the modem connects, it returns (to your computer) the result code for the
RP> actual connect speed. With V.90 modems, there are so many possible connect
RP> speeds, I don't think there are result codes defined for all of them. In that
RP> case, it returns the code the the DTE speed, which is probably 115K.
Wrong, at least for my modem. It has return codes (CONNECT xxxxx) for
any possible value with all protocols, including v90 and k56.
| Max Timchenko [MaxVT]
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