Have you ever read the book "Is This Your Child?" by Dr. Doris Rapp. That is
where I found info that confirmed for me that the behavior and digestive
problems that our son was having was from dairy products. We put him on a
diet without any dairy products and even he noticed a difference.
He also tested negative to the skin tests and that particular Dr. didn't want
to touch the idea of dairy being the problem with his behavior. She said
that "there is no scientific evidence" and that if I believed that dairy was
the problem, then I shouldn't give it to him. Luckily our family Dr. took the
evidence that I showed him seriously and we now say that he is, "Allergic to
All Dairy Products."
I know that many people would say that using the word allergic is not correct
but it's necessary for people to take the situation seriously. If you've ever
had a child who has one of these uncontrollable fits, you would want to do
everything to make sure that they or the people around them, don't have to go
through it. Even using words that are not technically correct.
Heidi L. : )