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Andrej Grubacic <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky
Mon, 29 Nov 1999 15:06:14 +0100
text/plain (73 lines)
This is just partialy true. I am not just trying to portray my countryman as
victims ( Serbs, Roms, Albanians , Hungarians and all the other minorites
who suffered under imperialistic bobmardement) but I am trying to portray
you, and people who think like you , as war criminals, responsible for war
crimes. If you want to judge German civilians for WW2 crimes because of
their seconding Hitler's intentions even though they are deceived by
Hitler's gleischaltung propaganda well, then it is a high time to start
pointing at Americans who are seconding killings of hundereds of thoushands
of people after that same war even though they are deceived by "Manufactured
Consent" propaganda model?
Interesting argument? Well, this sems to be the essence and the logical
consequence of that article you have sent us, your play with historical
annalogies, and your not-so-ethical attempt to portray people who are
anti-Milosevic and who suffered inocently during the bombings. What has my
little neighboor ever done to the Albanians, I wonder , or to you?
As a historian, I must repaeat one , very delicate, statement stated here:

ˇ"There are always dangers in making historical analogies before
understanding the history!"

Impact of para-historiography ( we are using this word in Europe) on
social-historical consciusness is tremendous; Chomsky and Herman called it
"Historical Engeneering"; State-intelectual managers in the US and elswhere,
in Yugoslavia too, of course, had become very skillful in this. Trasy , you
are a victim, I am afraid, of this propaganda effort organized by your
Your background, in terms of knowledge of Yugoslavian history is shaped by
mainstream pseudohistorical books a la Noel Malcom, to take just one
example, and you dont have a complete picture of Yugoslavian crises
 1989-1999) ; I could send you David Binders articles about Albanian
violence against other minorites Kosovo written in 1987 for the New York
Times, to make a counter-argument, or send you some book recomandations with
deeper insight in YU crises , but obviously it is pointless. You refuse to
answer me few little questions I have posited, apperantly you cannot find
adequate answers. You are the only person on this list, so I have noticed,
who is behind bombings and who is seconding US aggresion on Yugoslavia. Give
it up. There is no point anymore. As far as I can see, I am against my State
( i am against the state per se), and you are a fervent nationalist
 "patriot"). It seems that I am far more critical, in this discussion at
least, than you are.
To the others on the list , if there is any thing in which you are
interested, when Yugoslavia today is concerned, dont hesitate to ask. I will
try to be helpfull and informative. Montenegro is about too succede, and
refugee crises is getting worse. Political turmoils , between political
organizations  in Yugoslavia, are very ominous and are pointing in very bad
direction: more violence on this soil.......
Milosevic is, unfortunately, still very strong. Alternative is US backed
neoliberal opposition, akin to those of Bulgaria or Romania. So, the future
is not very optimistic.

  "Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life:
the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbereable pity for the
suffering of the mankind"
              Bertrand Russell

PS. my remark to otherwise excellent Henwood article is that he is refusing
to accept one notion: of different historical ambient; he forgot to mention,
or he didnt wanted to, that this "globalisation" has some features that are
differing this process from imperialism in old sense of this word. This
time, imperialism is seconded by an ideology, very powerfull ideology,
spreaded by omnipresent and powerfull media system, culture of obedience and
organized attack on critical conciusness.
It certainly do add a specific historical flavour to "globalisation"; that's
why I prefer "corporate colonialism" or "imperialism with a human face" as
probably the most descriptive syntagm.
We must save the virtue of cosmopolitanianism but also to acknowledge that
"globalisation"is not an economical mechanism only......