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"VICUG-L: Visually Impaired Computer Users' Group List" <[log in to unmask]>
Jamal Mazrui <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 13 Feb 1999 21:30:10 -0600
"VICUG-L: Visually Impaired Computer Users' Group List" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (91 lines)
Evidently, different people interpreted and remembered what Dale said
differently.  Accepting that Dale is presently a strong MSAA supporter, I'm
looking forward to learning why, since, as I understand it, Artic is one of
the few remaining screen readers not to support IE4 or IE5 in a market
release (evidently MSAA so far hasn't done a lot for its development path
after IE3).

Regardless of what was said and meant, it is probably a matter of
interpretation and recollection, not an issue of facts and dishonesty
(unless a good transcription of the event is obtained and analyzed).  Since
my recollection of Dale's talk was not inconsistent with that of the author,
I had no reason to think I was circulating "innacurate information."  With
all due respect, your message did not just report what Dale believes to have
been a mistake in reporting.  Essentially, it publicly criticized the NFB
for posting the article on the web and me for distributing it.


   I have no argument with Jamal.  I simply wanted to relay what Dale
   McDaniel told me yesterday.
   Others were in the audience last July as well and reported on the
   session extensively.  What they heard was Ted Henter expressing
   concerns about depending on Microsoft for upgrades to MSAA before
   updating their products.  Henter-Joyce went ahead and achieved very
   good access to Internet Explorer 4.1 before the other screen reader
   vendors because they did not wait for  MSAA.  Dale McDaniel then
   got up and said that he was going to present a totally different
   approach.  He spoke in favor of MSAA and still supports it and uses
   That's what occurred.  If that sounds like Ted and Dale agreed,
   then they agreed.
   The vast majority of people on this list don't post messages.  I
   think I understand why.
   Jay Leventhal
   On Sat, 13 Feb 1999, Jamal Mazrui wrote:
   > On the GUI-TALK list, Dale McDaniel of Artic also said the
   >newsletter had  inaccurately reported his position and that he
   >would further explain later.  As someone who was in the audience
   >that day, however, my recollection is  essentially the same as
   >that of the newsletter editor.  I remember Dale  basically
   >agreeing with Ted and then going on to discuss Artic and the NFB
   >developing software access guidelines collaboratively.  If Dale's
   position  has evolved since then, that's fine, and we're looking
   >forward to hearing it. >  Regarding the spreading of erroneous
   >information, even if I wasn't in the  audience at the time, I had
   >no reason to doubt that the editor made a good  faith effort to
   >accurately report what occured, and so had no reason to  attempt
   >to validate the various points made.  I often share information
   >that  I think will be of interest to others in lists in which I
   >participate.  That  does not mean I have taken pains to verify the
   >information or endorse its  opinions.  Naturally, if something
   >appeared highly suspect, I would try to  validate it.  Circulating
   a couple of articles from a newsletter of a  leading blindness
   >consumer organization was not such a case. >  Regards,
   > Jamal
   > ----- Original Message Follows -----
   > I have to point out that a big mistake was made in this posting.
   >Dale  McDaniel of Artic Technologies did not agree with Ted Henter
   >of  Henter-Joyce at last summer's NFB convention.  In fact, Artic
   >uses MSAA  and Dale spoke in favor of using it last summer.  One
   >mistake was made in  placing  this item on the NFB Web site, and
   >another was made in sending it  to lists without
   > checking it.  Artic has been receiving calls this week about why
   >they  changed their position on using MSAA.  They have not changed
   >their  position.  Let's all be more careful about spreading
   >inaccurate  information.
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