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"VICUG-L: Visually Impaired Computer Users' Group List" <[log in to unmask]>
Kelly Pierce <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 10 Jul 1998 13:56:26 -0500
"VICUG-L: Visually Impaired Computer Users' Group List" <[log in to unmask]>
TEXT/PLAIN (306 lines)
What is cool is that nearly all of the information described is
accessible to us.  This add more evidence of how the Internet is quite
helpful to our health and well being.


from the New York Times

      July 9, 1998

Can the Internet Cure the Common Cold?


     One Sunday afternoon last March, a 9-year-old boy, Robert Lord,
     fell from a rope ladder in the backyard of his home in San Diego.
     His neck snapped. As he lay unable to move, he told his little
     sister to run for help.

                                       Denis Poroy for The New York Times

     Stephen Lord, left, searched the Web before choosing a treatment for
   his son, Robert, in consultation with Dr. Hal Meltzer. Robert, now 10,
                                          was 9 when he injured his neck.

     The next day, a doctor told Robert's parents that the injury was so
     severe that there was a strong possibility that their son would not
     regain the use of his body below his arms. Desperate, Robert's
     father, Stephen, said he called a researcher he knew at the Mayo
     Clinic in Rochester, Minn., and got the advice, " 'Look on the Web
     -- that's your best chance.' " Lord logged onto the World Wide Web
     and typed the words "spinal cord injury" into a search engine.

     After several hours, Lord came upon a report about an experimental
     drug, GM-1 ganglioside. When given within 72 hours of a spinal cord
     injury, the drug seemed to improve the chances of recovery, the
     report said. Lord told his son's doctor immediately.

     It was 78 hours after the accident when the boy took the drug. On
     the following day, he could move his arms, and on the day after
     that, feeling began to return to his legs. Eleven weeks after the
     accident, he left the hospital, using a walker, a result that could
     be part of the boy's normal recovery or could be linked to the
     drug. The Lords will never know for sure.

     While the Lord family's experience was unusual, patients have been
     finding ways to be better-informed and have been acting as their
     own best advocates for some time. AIDS and breast cancer patients
     have helped publicize research issues concerning those two
     diseases, and managed care has forced health care consumers to take
     medical matters into their own hands as never before.

     But the sheer quantity of information available on the Internet --
     more than 10,000 sites with information from experts, amateurs and
     quacks on diseases ranging from common complaints to the more
     unusual, like Lou Gehrig's disease -- combined with instant
     accessibility is bringing about an unparalleled shift in the way
     doctors and patients interact. "Being a highly involved patient was
     possible before, but only for the most dedicated, committed
     people," said Dr. Tom Ferguson, editor and publisher of The
     Ferguson Report, a newsletter about online health information based
     in Austin, Tex. "Now all the information is available to anyone
     with an Internet connection."

     At its best, the Internet elevates a doctor-patient relationship
     into a partnership and even saves lives. At its worst, information
     found on line is misleading or inaccurate. Reliance on the Net can
     waste a doctor's time, dash a patient's hopes and put a life in

     "I'm sure there's good information on the Internet, but there's got
     to be an increase in people's skepticism because it's so easily
     retrievable," said Dr. John Renner, a family doctor in
     Independence, Mo., who is president of the National Council for
     Reliable Health Information, a nonprofit watchdog group.

     "People turn off their reality checkers because they desperately
     want to find something that will help them be young forever or be
     healthier or better-looking."

     Of course, Robert Lord's case included not only useful information
     but also a positive combination of people, circumstances and good
     luck. The boy's father was able to work as a team with the boy's
     pediatric neurosurgeon, Dr. Hal Meltzer, who sent faxes to the Food
     and Drug Administration to ask permission to use the drug on a
     "compassionate use" basis. Lord grappled with the logistics of
     transporting the medicine to San Diego from the pharmaceutical
     company's office in Washington. As soon as the package arrived at
     the airport, Lord was in his car rushing it to the hospital.

     While such cases are not common, more people than ever are turning
     to the Internet for health advice. According to a recent survey
     conducted jointly by the Institute for the Future in Menlo Park,
     Calif., and Princeton Survey Research Associates, nearly two-thirds
     of the people who use the Web seek medical information and

     Doctors generally say they welcome a more educated patient. Dr.
     Michael Tedford, an ear, nose and throat specialist in Minneapolis,
     said he first became aware of the volume of information his
     patients were able to find on line when someone came to him three
     years ago for a second opinion on an unusual ear condition. Not
     only had the patient used the Internet to investigate his problem,
     but he was also able to discuss it in minute detail.

     "My job was a piece of cake," Dr. Tedford said. "All I had to do
     was sit there and nod."

     Dr. Tedford said he had welcomed the level of knowledge the patient
     possessed. "It moved us more quickly through the most
     time-consuming part of my job, which is patient education," Dr.
     Tedford said. "Then I could talk about his options for treatment,
     with his values and priorities guiding his choice."

     Dr. David Teitel, a professor of pediatrics and chief of pediatric
     cardiology at the University of California at San Francisco,
     agreed. "It's a phenomenally powerful thing when you're not just
     sitting down and drawing pictures about the plumbing," he said.

     Dr. Ferguson, who has worked extensively in the area of online
     health information and its effect on the doctor-patient
     relationship, said that while a doctor must be familiar with
     hundreds of different diseases and conditions, a patient becomes a
     specialist in one condition -- his or her own -- and its effect on
     daily life. "Sometimes your patients think they know more than they
     do, but sometimes they know more than you do," Dr. Ferguson said.

     Such was the case with Robert Lord, a situation in which the
     openness of the doctor played a crucial role. Dr. Meltzer said that
     although he had been aware of the ganglioside experiment, it wasn't
     until the boy's father presented him with greater detail and a
     strong desire to try it that he had seriously considered it.

     "In 1998, no one person can know every single medication, every
     trial and all that's on the Internet," Dr. Meltzer said. "Here we
     have a situation where a child is very severely injured and you'd
     like to do anything you can to help out." Since dangerous side
     effects did not appear to be a risk, the question was whether the
     drug worked. "If the family was willing to accept the risk, and the
     Government was willing to provide the medication, then I said,
     Let's go for it," he said.

     Still more unusual was the way Lord found out about the drug. In
     his all-night search of the Net, after hours of clicking on reports
     with bleak scenarios, Lord found a report about the ganglioside
     drug in a paper written by a high-school senior for her English
     class. Only the Internet would have produced such a link.

     "I think this is part of the information age," Lord said. "The
     connections aren't logical any more in any real sense. It's not a
     matter of calling some medical data bank."

     Dr. Meltzer cautioned that it was impossible to know whether Robert
     had regained his mobility because of the experimental drug he was
     given, the surgery he had to help speed his healing, the standard
     medication he had taken or a combination of the three. Or the boy
     might have recovered on his own, he said.

     The more collaborative approach to medicine stands on its head the
     tradition in which a doctor gives orders and the patient obeys. And
     that makes some doctors nervous.

     "It's hard for physicians because once you get the education out of
     the way, you can get to more depth of humanity, and a lot of
     physicians have never had discussions like that before," said Dr.
     Richard Rockefeller, president of the Health Commons Institute, a
     nonprofit organization in Falmouth, Me., that promotes the use of
     computerized information tools in clinical settings.

                                                      PLUGGED-IN PATIENTS

        Online: Two-Thirds of the people who go online have sought health
                                                       information there.

    At Health Sites: Five percent of those people found it very difficult
    to interpret and understand the information they found on the Web; 42
    percent said it was somewhat difficult and 52 percent said it was not
                                   too difficult or not difficult at all.

        In Doctor's Offices: Sixty-seven percent of doctors said they had
     patients who came in with information they had found on the Internet
                        but only 12 percent referred patients to the Net.

     Many doctors warn against relying too heavily on information found
     on the Internet, as it can be difficult to distinguish between
     amateur medicine, even chicanery, and valuable data. According to
     another Institute for the Future survey, this one a poll of doctors
     done with Louis Harris & Associates, 67 percent of those surveyed
     said that patients came in with information they had found on the
     Internet but that only 12 percent referred patients to the Internet
     for information.

     "People are finding information their doctors may not have seen,
     and sometimes it is welcomed and sometimes it is not," said Dr.
     Jerome Kassirer, chief editor of The New England Journal of
     Medicine. "The issue is the validity of the information."

     There is a danger in turning to the Internet as a virtual Lourdes,
     particularly when it comes to life-threatening illnesses. The
     explosion of interest in alternative medicine and holistic
     approaches to health has brought with it plenty of Web sites
     promoting nutrition, vitamins and herbs to remedy everything from
     chronic fatigue to cancer.

     The temptation to diagnose diseases oneself also worries doctors.
     Dr. Laurel Warner, an infectious-diseases specialist in Santa Rosa,
     Calif., said a patient who had been looking up his symptoms on the
     Internet had shown up convinced that he had Lyme disease. After
     examining him, Dr. Warner said, she doubted that he had the
     disease, but he insisted on blood tests anyway. When the test
     results were negative, she added, he remained unconvinced and told
     her that according to what he had found on the Internet, false
     negatives when testing for Lyme disease were common. It wasn't
     until his symptoms eventually disappeared on their own that he
     finally believed her, she said.

     Dr. Warner said she grew still more frustrated when people came to
     her with information about, say, an experimental drug. "Someone
     comes in with information about a new drug for Parkinson's or
     Alzheimer's, and it's very sad because you really have to sit
     people down and burst their balloons a little bit," Dr. Warner
     said. "At the same time, you don't want to discourage the
     dissemination of information. I just wish there were a better way
     to filter the information."

     Dr. Teitel, of the University of California, agreed. "I spend a
     fair amount of my time saying, 'Well, that's very interesting, but
     it was a test done on pigs, not humans.' People take everything off
     the Net as gospel."

     Separating gospel from prayer has become something of a specialty
     for Hamilton Jordan, chief of staff in the Carter Administration.
     Jordan, 53, has educated himself on and off the Internet through
     three different bouts with cancer. Jordan said he was now free of
     the disease and had turned to helping others with cancer. When
     Gayle Reinsch, the employee of a friend of Jordan's, turned to him
     in early 1997 after she was found to have small-cell lung cancer,
     an especially virulent cancer, Jordan went to the Net.

     His search quickly turned up an experimental vaccine program at the
     Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York, and he told Ms.
     Reinsch about it. Her doctors at the cancer center where she was
     being treated were not enthusiastic. But Ms. Reinsch, 50, stopped
     being passive and spoke her mind to her doctors.

     "I said: 'You have a reputation for being Midwestern,
     middle-of-the-road and conservative. Well, I don't want that,' "
     she recalled. She enrolled in the Sloan-Kettering program. Eighteen
     months after the diagnosis, Ms. Reinsch's cancer remains in
     remission. "Information may not save us all, but it will give more
     of us a chance," she said.

     Jordan said the Internet had played an important role in his
     willingness to help a stranger. The search took him 10 minutes. "If
     I'd had to get in the car and drive to a university library, left
     to my own devices, I'm not sure I would have done it," he said.

     Some doctors, still a distinct minority, are going well beyond
     simply welcoming their patients' input. More doctors and nurses are
     logging on as moderators of, or participants in, online health

     Dr. John Mangiardi, chief of neurosurgery at Lenox Hill Hospital in
     New York, said he had had no inkling that his patients were so
     upset about unsightly incision scars until a few years ago, when he
     began logging onto discussion groups and heard patients complain
     among themselves. Since then, he has tried to keep incisions less
     noticeable, even making them behind patients' eyebrows.

     More doctors and nurses are communicating with patients through
     e-mail. "It creates greater intimacy in a bounded relationship,"
     said Dr. Beverley Kane, chairwoman-elect of the American Medical
     Informatics Association Internet Working Group, who has helped
     establish the association's guidelines for such e-mail. "But the
     main problem is that it adds uncompensated time to the doctor's
     day, and it's hard to know whether it requires more time than it

     Experts estimate that just 1 percent of doctors use e-mail to talk
     with patients, and still fewer participate in online discussion and
     chat groups, but Dr. Kane and others expect that number to increase
     as a generation of doctors weaned on computers supplants its

     Most doctors are careful not to offer e-mail diagnoses, but Dr.
     Renner, of the National Council for Reliable Health Information,
     said he was surprised by the number of doctors verging on giving
     specific medical advice to individuals, not just general
     information, via e-mail. "I thought physicians would be a lot more
     cautious than what some of them have turned out to be," he said.

     Despite the problems, reliable medical information is becoming
     easier to find on the Net, as the bad is filtered from the good.
     Many commercial Web sites now help guide people to accurate health
     information. "Right now the Internet is a huge gusher of an oil
     well," Dr. Rockefeller said. "We're just beginning to build the

   Copyright 1998 The New York Times Company