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Fri, 18 Feb 2000 19:22:00 MST
Micki Fraser <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (19 lines)
micki's menu
I tend to eat only two meals and a couple of snacks a day. My breakfast every
single morning just because I like it so much is a huge green salad (salad?
Yep!) with carrot, cucumber, tomato, walnuts, Tuna or Salmon, lots of fresh
ground pepper, and a nice homemade olive oil and lemon juice dressing. I will
vary the veggies, always making sure they're paleo. I eat my breakfast late
because I don't wake up hungry anymore, but when I first get up I have what I
call a "spicy lemonade," lemon juice, water, and a dash of cayenne (NO sugar!)
I do morning stretches and yoga before breakfast, and take a walk in the
afternoon before dinner.
Dinner is usually even more simple. It's whatever meat fish or fowl I feel
like having, maybe half an apple or half another kind of fruit, maybe a
handful of nuts. I drink lots of water throughout the day as my beverage of
choice, I snack on pemmican and raw nuts, and I have myself a nice cup of
non-caffinated herb tea before beddie bye.  For myself, exercise on an empty
stomach is better, but then I'm not doing any kind of power lifting or running
any marathons. If I were, I would probably have a snack but not a full meal
before working out.