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Fri, 23 Jul 2010 06:02:36 -0400
The MUNIRAH Chronicle of Black Historical Events & Facts <[log in to unmask]>
The MUNIRAH Chronicle of Black Historical Events & Facts <[log in to unmask]>
The Munirah Chronicle <[log in to unmask]>
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*               Today in Black History - July 23              *

1891 -  Louis Tompkins Wright is born in LaGrange, Georgia.  He 
	will graduate from Harvard Medical School in 1915, and 
	subsequently serve in World War I as an officer in the 
	United States Army Medical Corps.  He will become the 
	first African American doctor to be appointed to the 
	staff of a New York City municipal hospital in 1919 when 
	he begins seeing patients at the Harlem Hospital out-
	patient clinic.  He will be, at one point, the only 
	African American member of the American College of 
	Surgeons.  He will be a brilliant medical doctor and 
	specialist in fractures and head injuries and will make 
	strides in multiple directions in the field of medicine.
	His greatest accomplishments will include the perfection 
	of an intradermal smallpox vaccination, the use of 
	Aureomycin for lymphogranuloma venereum (a viral venereal 
	disease), the treatment of humans with antibiotic 
	chlortetracycline, the invention of a brace to cushion 
	head and neck injuries, a blade plate for the treatment 
	of knee fractures, and drug therapy for cancer. From 1948 
	to 1952, he will have eighty-nine scientific publications 
	to his credit. With grants from	the National Cancer 
	Institute and Damon Runyon Fund, he will found the Harlem 
	Hospital Cancer Research Foundation where he will deal 
	with the effectiveness of chemotherapeutic agents. He will
	publish fifteen papers dealing with his investigation of 
	the effects of cancer-fighting drugs. Dr. Wright will also
	be an active civil rights advocate and leading member of 
	the NAACP which will recognize him as a champion of human 
	rights with the Spingarn Medal in 1940. Harlem Hospital 
	will rename its library after him shortly before he joins 
	the ancestors in 1952 after succumbing to a heart attack.

1892 - Lij Tafari Makonnen is born in Ejarsa Goro, Ethiopia. When 
	Menilek II's daughter becomes empress in 1917, Ras (Prince)
	Tafari will be named regent and heir apparent to the throne. 
	In 1923 he will	have a conspicuous success in the admission
	of Ethiopia to the League of Nations. In the following year
	he will visit Rome, Paris, and London, becoming the first 
	Ethiopian ruler ever to go abroad. In 1928 he will assume 
	the title of negus (“king”), and two years later, when 
	Zauditu joins the ancestors, he will be crowned emperor 
	(Nov. 2, 1930) and take the name of Haile Selassie I 
	(“Might of the Trinity”). In 1931 he will promulgate a new 
	constitution, which strictly limits the powers of 
	Parliament. From the late 1920s on, Haile Selassie in 
	effect will be the Ethiopian government, and, by 
	establishing provincial schools, strengthening the police 
	forces, and progressively outlawing feudal taxation, he 
	will seek to both help his people and increase the 
	authority of the central government. When Italy invades 
	Ethiopia in 1935, he will lead the resistance, but in May
	1936 he will be forced into exile. He will appeal for help 
	from the League of Nations in a memorable speech that he 
	delivers to that body in Geneva on June 30, 1936. With the 
	advent of World War II, he will secure British assistance 
	in forming an army of Ethiopian exiles in the Sudan. 
	British and Ethiopian forces will invade Ethiopia in 
	January 1941 and recapture Addis Ababa several months 
	later. Although he will be reinstated as emperor, he will
	have to recreate the authority he had previously exercised. 
	He will again implement social, economic, and educational 
	reforms in an attempt to modernize Ethiopian government 
	and society on a slow and gradual basis. The Ethiopian 
	government will continue to be largely the expression of 
	his personal authority. In 1955 he will grant a new 
	constitution giving him as much power as the previous one. 
	Overt opposition to his rule will surface in December 1960,
	when a dissident wing of the army secures control of Addis 
	Ababa and is dislodged only after a sharp engagement with
	loyalist elements. He will play a very important role in 
	the establishment of the Organization of African Unity in 
	1963. His rule in Ethiopia will continue until 1974, at 
	which time famine, worsening unemployment, and the 
	political stagnation of his government prompts segments of 
	the army to mutiny. They will depose him and establish a 
	provisional military government that espouses Marxist 
	ideologies. He will be kept under house arrest in his own 
	palace, where he will spend the remainder of his life.
	Official sources at the time will attribute his death to 
	natural causes, but evidence will later emerge suggesting 
	that he had been strangled on the orders of the military 
	government. He will be regarded as the Messiah of the 
	African ace by the Rastafarian movement. He will join the 
	ancestors on August 26, 1975.

1900 - The Pan-African Congress meets in London, England.  Among 
	the leaders of the Congress are H. Sylvester Williams, a 
	West Indian Lawyer with a London practice, W.E.B. Du Bois, 
	and Bishop Alexander Walters.

1920 - British East Africa is renamed Kenya.

1947 - Spencer Christian is born in Charles City, Virginia. He 
	will graduate with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English 
	and a minor in journalism from Hampton University. He will 
	teach English at the Stony Brook School in Long Island, 
	New York, for one year before launching his television 
	career. He will	begin a broadcasting career in 1971 in 
	Richmond, Virginia, as a news reporter, covering state and 
	local politics, the public school system, and landmark 
	cases in the Fourth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. He will
	become a weathercaster in Baltimore, Maryland from 1975-
	1977, where he will also host "Spencer's World," a weekly 
	half-hour talk show. He will go	on to become weather 
	forecaster for "Good Morning America" for thirteen years 
	and sportscaster and weatherman for WABC-TV in New York 
	for nine years. He will then join the ABC7 News team in 
	San Francisco as weather anchor in 1999. He is the author 
	of a series of children's books under the general heading 
	"Spencer Christian's World of Wonders." The first four 
	books are titled: "Can It Really Rain Frogs?," "Shake, 
	Rattle, and Roll," "What Makes the Grand Canyon Grand?,"
	and "Is There a Dinosaur in Your Backyard?." He will be
	inducted into the Virginia Communications Hall of Fame in
	April 1993, and named Virginian of the Year by the 
	Virginia Press Association in July, 1993. 

1948 - Progressive party convention, meeting in Philadelphia, 
	nominates Henry Wallace for President.  The New Party 
	makes a major effort to attract African Americans.  
	Approximately 150 African American delegates and 
	alternates attend the convention. The keynote speaker is 
	Charles P. Howard, and attorney, publisher and former 
	Republican from Des Moines, Iowa.  Thirty-seven African 
	Americans will run for state and local offices on the 
	party ticket. Ten Blacks will run for Congress.  The 
	party attracts few Black voters, but forces the 
	Democratic party to make serious gestures to hold the 
	African American vote.

1967 - Forty-three persons are killed in a racially motivated 
	disturbance in Detroit, Michigan. Federal troops are 
	called out for the first time since the Detroit riot of 
	1943, to quell the largest racial rebellion in a U.S. 
	city in the twentieth century.  More than two thousand 
	persons are injured and some five thousand are arrested. 
	Police report 1,442 fires. Disturbances will spread to 
	other Michigan cities. 

1968 - An alleged black radical ambush of a Cleveland police 
	detail sparks two days of disturbances that will result 
	in 11 deaths, including three policemen.  The Ohio 
	National Guard will be mobilized to control the 

1984 - Vanessa Williams, the first African American Miss America,
	relinquishes her crown after publication of nude 
	photographs taken before her entry in the pageant.  
	Replacing her is Suzette Charles, first runner-up in the 

1987 - Billy Williams is inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame 
	in Cooperstown, New York.

           Munirah Chronicle is edited by Rene' A. Perry
              "The TRUTH shall make you free"

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