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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Samba Goddard <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 23 Feb 2000 01:17:28 +0100
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (365 lines)
Assalaamu alaikum G-L
I am back againg to share with you the words of God!
Sorry for the long silence due to computer problem.

He it is Who created for you all that is in the earth.
Then turned He to the heaven, and fashioned it as seven heavens.
And He is Knower of all things.
"And when thy Lord said unto the angels:Lo! I am about to place a viceroy in
the earth", they said: Wilt Thou place therein one who will
do harm  therein and will shed blood, while we,
we hymn Thy praise and sanctify Thee? He said:
Surely I know that which ye know not.
And He taught Adam all the names,then showed them to the angels,saying:
Inform me of the names of these, if ye are truthful.
They said: Be glorified! We have no knowledge saving that which Thou hast
taught us. Lo! Thou,only Thou,art the knower,the wise.
He said: O Adam! Inform them of their names, and when he had nformed them of
their names,He said: Did I not tell you that I know the secret of the
heavens and the earth? And I know that which ye disclose and
which ye hide. And when We said unto the angels: Prostrate yourselves before
Adam,they fell prostete,
all save Iblis.. He demurred through pride, and became a disbeliever.
And We said: O Adam! Dwell thou and thy wife in the Garden, and eat ye
freely (of the fruits) thereof where ye will;but come not near this tree
lest ye become wrongdoers.
But Satan caused them to deflect therefrom and expelled them from the
(happy) state in which they were; and We said: Fall down, one of you a foe
unto the other! There shall be for you on earth a habitation and provision
for a time.Then Adam received from his Lord words (of revelation), and He
relented toward him. Lo! He is the Relenting, the Merciful.
We said: Go down,all of you,from hence; but verily there comenth unto you
from Me a guidance; and whoso followeth My guidance,there shall no fear come
upon them neither shall they grieve.
But they who disbeliever, and deny Our revelations, such are rightful owners
of the Fire.
They will abide therein. Sura:(Al-Baqarah)verse 30 to verse 39.
Here we can see that God! is so fair with His Creatures,He told the angels
and gins what He want to do, He could do what ever He want to do and no one
could say why, but He respect His creatures that`s why He informed them what
He want to do.

For those who believe in Qur-àn (the Book of Allah!), Let us digest the
conversation or whatever.
God! the AlMighty told the angels who never disobey and they dont no how to
disobey,they said: wilt Thou place therein one who will do harm therein and
shed blood,

we all whichness that today in this live,no dought about it.
God! the AlMighty Created Adam and taught him the secrets.
And when God! Said unto the angels prostrate yourselves before Adam, they
fell prostrate all save Iblis. He demurred through pride, and so
became a disbeliever.
This is why any human-being who demmurred through pride,you become part of
The main problem for the human being is pride,when ever you put pride away
from yourselve then you became a real human.
To take away this pride of Iblis in yourselve you need a change!!!!!

Life is in a state of flux; it is continuous movement and its perpetual ebb
and tide are a reflection of its incessant motion; it has its own rhythms
and dissonances which measure the unpredictable flow and gush of its whims
and moods Change is the most characterizing feature of life.
In the phenomenal world notting is permanent but change.
Change is, therefor, an undeniable fact of life; it makes life both
interesting and valuable. The life of a human being is far more precious and
treasurable than the life of a stone;it is the variety and mobility
of human existence that makes it a class apart from other modes of living.
Thus the universality of change accounts for the
diversity of life. As a consequenc of change the forces of life are subject
to constant fluctuation.
The true legal requirement is that the ship of life should sail smoothly and
steadily in the right direction because the loss of direction means the loss
of purpose of life.
There is a part in the human being that need to be change, which is the

Islam has given a very special attention towards health of the heart, both
spiritual and physical.
Qur- án  denotes the significance of a "healthy heart" through the words,a
peaceful heart.

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) explained the same question,stating:"Indeed
there is a muscle in the body; if it remains healthy, the whole body becomes
healthy, and if it is diseased, the whole body becomes
diseased. Be aware, it is the Heart."
The Holy Qur-`an stated:
"There has come to you a direction from your Lord and a healing for
the(diseases) in your hearts, and for those who believe,
a guidance and a mercy."

Islam is a comprehensive system of life which provides the best forms of
balance between the mundane and the spiritual.

If Islam life style is compeletly followed,the human being may find
him/herself capable of overcoming the causes of various diseases.
It makes the human being free of stress and tension and enables him or her
to maintain the enthusiasm of life. Islam has place maximum stress on
removing the strains and providing the human with a pleasant life.
It is stated in the Holy Qur- án:
"The God-fearing men are those who spend in ease and in adversity; those who
control their wrath and those who are forgiving towards mankind".
(Al-i-Imran) Control of wrath and anger, helps the man in control of strains
and tensions, that is an essential requirement in prevention of the heart
In the same way,spending money for the betterment of the poor and the needy
and act of forgiving others, provides the man with a spiritual pleasure and
happiness, which enhances the enjoyment of life.

Jealousy is the origin of various mental worries, Islam has strongly
condemmed and forbidden it. Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said:
"Abstain from Jealousy, Indeed. Jealousy finishes all the good acts and
their rewards as the fire does away with the firewood."
Similarly, Greediness and selfishness also Create a lot of mental strains
and worries. These are in the same way prohibited.
Contentment and satisfaction have been commended in their place.

It is a great blessing to be a Muslim.
And we are all born Muslim. If you know the meaning of muslim.
A Muslim is one who obeys God!.
A Muslim obeys God in the way tought by the prophets.

We also need Islam in our way of life because Islam is the best way of life.
Islam means obedience.
Obedience means to accept, to submit and to follow.
Islam,therefore,means to submit to God and to follow His Commands.
God is our Creator and Master.
Success lies in following our Master.We must all obey His Commands, both in
words and actions.
God does not force anybody to obey His Commands.
He has left us free to obey,or not to obey.
This is a trail.
Real success in this life and in lifeafter Death is in obeying God.

Islam also means peace.
True peace lies only in following God`s Commands.
Therefore Islam means `peace`and `obedience to God`.It is obedience which
brings peace.
Islam seeks peace through obedience to God! our Creator and Master.
Islam is the most misunderstud religion around the whole world.
This is lack of direct knowledge, lack of interlection and lack of
communication with the Muslims.
The western world discribe the Muslims as fanatist and terrorist.
Fanatism and terrorism has no room in Islam.
It is compulsorily for the Muslims to ask for peace to the Prophet(pbuh)
during our prayers,and when ever we hear his name we should also ask peace
for him.
When we finish our prayers we turn right and said peace be on those on my
right side and also to those
who are on the left side.
When we finish our prayer we raise our hands up and ask for peace here in
the life and the hereafter.
One of God`s atribute name`s is called peace.
In paradise also there is a house called peace and those who are going to
live their,they will say peace,peace to each other.(WAAQI-ÀH) sura 56
The begining and the ending of Islam is only peace.
Nothing else but peace.
A Muslim need peace, provide peace,live in peace and leave others to live in
The Prophet Muhammad (may the blessing of Allah be on him) said:"The best in
Islam is to promote peace.That`s why when muslims meet each other they
should say: "peace be on you" or give a hug.
A hug is an amazing thing,it`s just the perfect way to show the love we are
feeling. But can`t fine the words
to say. Is a fantastic feeling. It is very easy to give a hug, you just open
up your arms, and open up your hearts from each other.
This is only to mention the justification of peace.
Anybody who contradict peace or try to damage peace.
Anything dentrimental to the society.
Anything dentrimental to the welfare of humanity.
Anything dentrimental to the global peace.
Anything confliting to peace.
Anything damaging peace, that is absalutely anti Islam
Who ever may be, if you have your terroristcharacter or you have your
exteremestic character of evil,you are not a good Muslim,you are so called

One day the Prophet (pbuh) was together with the companions and suddenly, he
said:"walahi la yudmin"
(three times). It means my God he is not a believer.
The companions asked who is not a believer,he said:
"The one who does not provide peace and security to
the people.
The Prophet(pbuh) was making"TAWAF"
(circumambulation around the Ka`bah).
He address the Ka`bah by swearing.
He Said: I swear by Allah who is the Lord of this House,although you be the
House of Allah, has greater respect and honour in the hearts of Muslims.
But I be the Prophet of Islam, the blood of a man,
the respect of a man, the honour of a man and the security to the propert of
a man is much dearest to Allah than His own House.
This is how Islam pay respect to mankind.
Islam even demand peace to the animals.
Islam says that when you kill the animal, provide peace to the animal,dont
kill animal in the way that it will become painful to them,you have to
sharpen your knife and let the animal die in a peaceful way.
Kill the animal with kindness.
If Islam dont permit any pain to the animals,
how can Islam consider pain to mankind.

Peace start from the human personality, if their is no peace in your own
personality balance and tolerant, how can you provide peace to others.
Islam want to make the man as a single entity so that he may be the region
of peace, he may become a preacher of peace, he may be the source of peace
that the whole nation will get peace from that Man.

George Sarr said: I would like to remind all Gambians of the first two lines
of our National Anthem.

"For The Gambia our homeland,we STRIFE and WORK and PRAY.
That ALL may live in UNITY, FREEDOM and PEACE each Day.
My dear brothers and sisters this wonderful words,should not only come from
the mouth,but it needs practise also and hard work.
We need to fight very hard with the egotist soul in ourselves.
That`s why God declere the Holy war.
When God declere Holy war He dont mean that we should take a gun and fight
our enemies.
It means effort to grolify yourself so that the conflict between your wrong
desires, to fight the conflict within your wrong wishes and the sense of
responsibilities this conflict is resolve and your personality bacame a
deciplin personality, your personality become prolify personality.
God the AlMighty Says in the Holy Qur-àn:
Sura-87 `A`-LAA, verse:14-15-16.
14."He is successful who groweth,
15.And remember the name of his Lord,so prayeth.
16.But ye prefer the life of the world.
17.Although the Hereafter is better and more lasting.

Dont be afraid dont be ashame come lets us all call upon God`s name,let us
praise Him more and more because He make our lives secure.

Let us all pray that we may live in UNITY, FREEDOM and PEACE each day.

Let us allow God blessings come down for us.

Let us be humble and wise.

Let us open our hearts for God`s Kindom.

Let us stop all these wars,because war is not the answer.

Why do the innocent die during wars???

I am talking to the whole world,especailly America the so call super powers.

God the AlMighty is the only super Power and when He attack no one can stop

I went to the U.S.A last year 4th of September to visit my sister`s. After
one week God attacked the U.S.A,
with winds and water,that day America knew that they are not the super
power, that day everyone was thinking of him/herself.
There was no one who think about weapoons,with all there weapoons and evil
deeds there was no one who has the idea to stop Him.

Fear spread up the Southeast coast as Hurricane Floyd,one of the most
dangerous storms of the century.
The storm threatened everything from the U.S.
The storm`s approach spawned massive evacuations,as the 800,ooo residents of
the South Carolina coast and 500,000 residents,of the Georgia
shore,including the entire Savanneh,were ordered to flee their homes. About
1.7 million Floridians already had been urged to seek safer ground.
It was believed to be the largest mandatery evacuation in the nation`s
That day no one think about racial neither poverty,
most of the American population were fear to die.

After the first day of the Hurricane,the next morning i woke up early in the
morning to read my Qur-àn,the first page i opened was Sura Mursalaat were
God is swearing By the emissary winds,(sent) one after another and the
raging hurricanes. Surah 77.
Verse 1-5.
His promise never failed.

President Clinton said that was the most heaviest storm he had never witness
in his life before.

This is to show that human being has no power,the power is in the Hands of
God the AlMighty.

Let us try and go for the TRUTH which is the Holy Qur-àn, the only book
which we can fine the TRUTH.

The TRUTH which the Prophet Muhammad (may the peace and blessing be on
him),came with.

The Holy Qur-àn is the only guidence to the straight part. As God Said in
the Qur-àn:

"Surely,this Qur-àn guides to that which is the straightest,and give good
news to believers who practise good and they will get a great reward".(17:9)
"And He(commands you,saying):This is my straight path,so follow other
paths,which will separate you from His path. Thus He has ordered you so that
you may be truly obedient".(6:153).

"Allah! There is none worthy of worship except Him,the Living,the Ever
And Muhammad (pbuh), is His last messenger.

Muhammad`s (pbuh) life is the shining example for us to follow. He left for
us teachings for all areas and affairs of our life. His life is the complete
embodiment of Islam,based on the Qur-àn,the complete book of guidance from
Muhammad (pbuh) was raise for mankind,to show them the best way to worship
Allah and during his twenty-three years as Allah`s messenger,he
demonstrateed infallibly this assigned task.

The prophet delivered his last speech,listen intently to every word of it.

Praising and thanking Allah,the Prophet said:
"O people,listen to my words carefully,for I know no not whether I would
meet you again on such an occasion.
"Beware of Satan,he is desperate to divert you from the worship of Allah,so
beware of him in matters of your religion.
"O people,listen carefully! All the believers are brothers. You are not
allowed to take the things belonging to another Muslim unless he gives it to
you willingly.
"O people,none is higher than the other unless he is higher in obedience to
Allah. No Arab is any superior to a non-Arab except in piety.
"O people,reflect on my words. I leave behind me two things,the Qur-àn and
my example,and if you follow these,you will not fail.
"Listen to me carefully! Worship Allah and offer Salah,observe Sawm in the
month of Ramadan and pay Zakah.
"O people,be minful of those who work under you.
Feed and clothe them as you feed and clothe yourselves.
"O people,no prophet or messenger will come after me and no new faith will
"All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others,and those to
others again.
"Have I conveyed the message of Allah to you,
o people?" asked the Prophet facing towards the heavens. The audience
answered in one voice,"yes,you have; Allah is the witness."
As the Prophet finish the following revelation came to him:
"Today I have perfected your religion for you,completed my favour upon you
and have chosen
for you Islam as the way of your life." (5:3).

This message is not only for a group call themselves Muslims,let us forget
about the titles or labels.
This message is for all mankind,and he is the best of mankind,that`s why
Allah (SWT) Said:
"Lo! Allah and His angels shower blessing on the Prophet,O ye who believe!
Ask blessing on him and salute him with a worthy Salutation."

May Allah guide us to the right path and bless our mother land Gambia. Long
live the Gambia.

Peace be on you all.

Allahummasalli alaa saidina Muhammadin wa alaa alli Muhammadin.

Samba Goddard


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