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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky


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"The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky" <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 24 Nov 1999 13:39:40 -0800
"The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky" <[log in to unmask]>
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Tresy Kilbourne <[log in to unmask]>
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on 11/24/99 10:18 AM, Andrej Grubacic at [log in to unmask] wrote:

> Dissidence On the Web  provides news, information, opinion and debate from an
> anti-authoritarian and non-mainstream perspective, promoting strategy of
> resistance as a theoretical and practical weapon confronting the challengies
> of our time.
> November 22, 1999
> "Given that democratic countries have free and independent media, President
> Clinton's visit to Kosovo on November 23, would be a golden opportunity to
> take stock of the US-lead Western policies to bring peace to the region. Here
> is a selection of questions with some media advisory. In other words, if I
> imagine I had been granted an interview as a journalist, this is what I would
> focus on," says TFF director Jan Oberg.
> (1) Mr. President, US warplanes bombed Yugoslavia and the Kosovo province with
> you as the Chief Commander of US forces. Does it worry you that the whole
> campaign was justified and conducted on the basis of what has turned out to be
> grossly mistaken or falsified information about a genocide planned by
> Belgrade?
> [During the campaign, President Clinton, Secretary Cohen, and Secretary
> Albright are on record with figures of between 10.000 and 100.000 missing and
> probably killed in consequence of the alleged plan by Milosevic, Operation
> Horseshoe.

Here's that 100K lie again. See my rebuttal elsewhere. NATO also put the low
end at 4600. Pretty poor propaganda, that. Better to stick to extreme
figures--like TFF is doing.

>However, the Hague Tribunal has recently revealed that, so far,
> 2.108 bodies have been identified - of more than one ethnicity and dead from
> different causes; in short, not all Albanians massacred by Serbs.

So gypsies massacred by Serbs is OK? Dead from gunshots and torture is
better than dead from just gunshot? What is the point here?

>From a human
> point, of course, this is a great relief. But it raises serious issues as to
> of the information and intelligence basis on which decisions with far-reaching
> consequences are made. And it begs the question: what is world public opinion
> informed about and what not, and who produces information for what purposes].

Nice bit of insinuation. Why not answer your question?
> (2) What are your thoughts by the fact that NATO, with your country in the
> lead, killed at least 2.000 innocent civilians in Serbia due to stray missiles
> and bombs?

I'm impressed at the acknowledgment that the civilians were not
intentionally targeted. I'm sure this was an oversight, given the tenor of
the rest of the questions.

>You have apologised to the Chinese people for bombing their
> embassy. Did you consider the possibility personally to apologise to the
> relatives or, for instance, pay a compensation of some kind? And how do you
> feel about the indictment of you, your Secretaries and all other NATO leaders
> to the Hague War Crimes Tribunal?

Of course no such indictment has happened. This is a
> [For the indictment of NATO leaders, see
> For the
> indictment of Slobodan Milosevic for, among other things, being responsible
> for the death of more than 300 people during the Kosovo war, see
> ]

Interesting document, the first one. If one bothers to read the relevant law
cited in the document, one quickly realizes that the entire question of
guilt hangs on the question of "military necessity." There is no blanket
prohibition on civilian deaths and there certainly is no liability for
accidental civilian deaths.

I personally would actually like to see such an indictment, however, because
I feel that it would yield some useful precedent in international law. For
example, Do different standards apply to an aggressor regime that is
committing massive, undeniable and intentional atrocities against innocent
civilians, and a country seeking to defend those victims by targeting
installations that support the regime's criminal acts, but which happen to
employ civilians? My expectation is that the answer would be yes, which
would almost certainly result in the acquittal of any NATO defendants.

My feeling also is that those who are clamoring for the indictment of NATO
planners really don't want to see such an indictment, since it would lead to
precisely this result, thus depriving them of their last shred of propaganda
cover. It's far more useful to bandy terms like "war criminal" and "civilian
causalities" about without any reference to the underlying facts and law.
> (3) Mr. President, the American Camp Bondsteel here at which you celebrate
> Thanksgiving Day with your soldiers, is said to be the largest US military
> facility the US has built from the ground-up since Vietnam. I have three
> questions about it: a) what long term strategic aims does this huge investment
> serve, and b) how is it possible to build such a facility on territory which,
> according to concurrent legal judgment - and all UN resolutions - belongs to
> the sovereign, recognised state of Yugoslavia whose integrity you are also
> obliged to respect? And c) are you not sending a very strong signal that
> Kosovo's future status is somehow already settled by fait accompli?
> [Camp Bondsteel is described in a November 22 Christian Science Monitor
> article - (Check
> archives, perhaps) It is gigantic: 775 acres, costs US $ 36.6 million, has
> every convenience and facility needed for its 6.300 US soldiers, including two
> chapels and a mobile Burger King; the way it is constructed is said to be
> indicative of a multi-year engagement and wider-than-Kosovo aims].

Highly doubtful. Elite opinion in the US on Kosovo was anything but
unanimous. There has been little if any self-congratulation in ruling
circles since the NATO victory because nearly everyone in the US predicted
that the Clinton Administration had blundered into a quagmire that would
cost thousands of US lives. (US death toll: 0.) Even if it has "wider than
Kosovo aims" so what? Kosovo was only the last in a series of regional
abbatoirs built by Milosevic over the last 10 years. Maybe if we had
intervened earlier, we wouldn't be having this exchange?

Beyond that there is no support offered for the implication that Bondsteel
is illegitimate, and no reason to suspect that any such support exists. Ask
Berliners what happens when aggressor nations are defeated.
> (4) It is hardly wrong to say that the US was sympathetic to the plight of the
> Albanians and cultivated the leaders of the Kosovo Liberation Army, LDK/UCK,
> such as the present self-appointed prime minister of this province, Mr. Hacim
> Thaci. Are you disappointed by the fact that these allies of yours - I think
> we can call them that since KLA and NATO helped each other - are also
> responsible for an ethnic cleansing policy that has driven 234.000 legitimate
> non-Albanian citizens out of the province, according to UNHCR figures? If so,
> what do you do now during your visit to put enough pressure on Hacim Thaci and
> his military and civilian colleagues to ensure that you can say what you said
> about the Albanian refugees in Macedonia and Kosovo: we are going to bring
> them back to a safe environment.

A perfectly valid question.
> (5) I have a follow-up to that with a somewhat different angle: according to
> the UN mandate that KFOR, UNMIK, OSCE operate on, Kosovo's citizens and their
> multi-ethnic composition should be protected. However, the 234.000 have left
> under the very eyes of these missions being present on the ground. I am sure
> that you, as the single most responsible leader, regret this failure, given
> that this is the biggest and most heavily armed peacekeeping mission ever -
> and the ultimate test of NATO in that role. In which ways does America and its
> NATO and UN allies intend to change the structure and function of the entire
> Kosovo operation before it decays beyond repair?

Another perfectly valid question.
> (6) Mr. President, in every speech you have held also on this tour, you
> emphasise human rights, general humanitarian concerns and freedom. Now, there
> are almost 1 million refugees in Serbia - many more in fact than there were
> Kosovo-Albanian refugees in Macedonia and Albania. They have fled from
> Croatia, Bosnia and now Kosovo, driven away for exactly the same reasons you
> stated repeatedly at the time about the Albanian victims: "not because of
> anything they have done, but because of who they are."

That's a bit dishonest, no? 1945: "Germans have fled from liberated France
not because of anything they have done, but because of who they are." I must
have missed the stories of valiant resistance put up by the Kosovar Serbs in
defense of their Albanian brethren. Do they have rights? Yes. Are they
wholly innocent? I doubt it. Are they as innocent as the Kosovar Albanians
slaughtered to give them lebensraum? Nonsense.
> Yugoslavia and Serbia
> is in deep crisis because of political blunders

that's one way of describing failed genocidal policies, I suppose.

>and economic mismanagement,
> that is true, but also because of NATO's destruction and many years of
> sanctions and exclusion from the international community. A humanitarian
> catastrophe cannot be excluded this winter. How do you reconcile your personal
> commitment to humanism and moral leadership with actively preventing that
> THESE human beings are helped?

A valid question.

>Do you see any historical evidence that this is
> the way to overthrow authoritarian leaders?

Without the moral courage of the people living under that leader to do
what's necessary to overthrow them, no. With it, yes. See South Africa. If
self-pitying Serbs like Andrej would admit the crimes committed by the Serbs
and punish those responsible, instead of trying to make it out to be a
massive conspiracy of Western propaganda to defame them, there might be a
hope. OTOH, I don't have much sympathy for whiners. At least the Guatemalans
had the balls to say, yes, we killed the campesinos because they were
(allegedly) communists. At least show some self-respect.
> (7) In your own speeches before the bombing campaign, you emphasised that a
> major goal apart from stopping a genocide was to create stability in the
> Balkan region. I think quite a few diplomats and security experts would agree
> that neither Albania, Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, nor Bosnia and Croatia
> for that matter, are more secure now than before March 24. Rather, less so. I
> think many would be grateful for your guidance as to where and when the Balkan
> situation has improved in any proportion to the political, moral, military and
> economic investment we have made here?

No such diplomats are cited; however, if these are the same ones who said
NATO couldn't prevail without ground troops, then I think their credibility
speaks for itself.
> (8) Do you intend to compensate, one way or another, Macedonia and Albania for
> America's/NATO's use of their territory and facilities? I mean in more
> substantial terms than "keeping the door open" for later - much later -
> membership of NATO?

A reasonable question.
> (9) You have stated time and again, Mr. President, that you are proud that
> America intervened both in Bosnia and here. And it did so, for sure,
> forcefully and with determination - so much so, it seems, that EU countries
> are now starting a 'turbo-militarization' with aims such as
> military-industrial and -political integration, common policies, EU-WEU fusion
> - in short, big steps towards a European army. The reason? They think they
> looked timid compared with America! They want to be able to fix problems in
> their own backyard. Now, I think I am not offending anyone by saying that the
> United States of America has antagonised the Chinese and the Russians a bit -
> NATO expansion, the Ballistic Missile Defence plans, the Test Ban policy,
> bombing of Yugoslavia, the failed economic aid, the oil pipeline agreement you
> just signed in Istanbul, Georgia's future NATO membership, the 'noise' about
> Chechenya... - well, you know the list much better, of course. Do you also
> sometimes feel that the US has taken the lead to such an extent that it has
> antagonised its European friends and that this could backfire, that they are
> now somehow turning away from the Atlantic dimension. Even Tony Blair's UK
> seems to want Europe to become more and more of a super power and less
> dependent on the US?

Is there a question in there?
> (10) Finally - and you have been extremely generous with your time - I would
> like to ask you a question that has only indirect bearings on the Balkans.
> Wherever you go you promote human rights, freedom and democracy. I am sure
> that the right to privacy and freedom of speech is absolutely essential
> central in your thinking. Therefore, I can't help asking you: how come the US
> has developed technology that permits it to listen and automatically register
> not only e-mail and fax traffic worldwide but also - now - the human voice as
> we speak on phones with each other. It is done by your National Security
> Agency, but - sorry if you think this is a naive question - does the United
> States HAVE to feel so insecure? I relate it also to the fact that US defence
> for the year 2000 will be more than three times greater than the combined
> military spending of China, Russia, and the rogue states Iran, Iraq, Syria,
> Libya, North Korea and Cuba?

A valid question.
> [The tapping of communication was reported recently by the Independent -
> The
> military expenditure figures were reported by The Christian Science Monitor
> (check archives, perhaps) at
> ]
> "Well, only carefully chosen people get the opportunity to ask the President
> of the United States questions. But we can ask ourselves questions and ponder
> the answers - such as: why on earth are questions like these not asked by
> those who do get the chance? And why are they not analysed and debated MUCH
> MORE in your local and in our global media?
> Philip Knightly has stated that war's first victim is truth. Peace researcher
> Johan Galtung maintains that complex understanding is its second victim. It
> seems to me that war's third victim is self-criticism - and thus we prevent
> ourselves from learning about the real motives behind wars as well as the
> alternatives to war," ends TFF's director.

Physician, heal thyself.

Tresy Kilbourne
Seattle WA