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Thu, 15 Jun 2000 17:41:06 EDT
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

    In regards to the post earlier .....Thanks terri ....I appreciate the info
that was provided....However it only serves to create more questions ....If
only those few companies are considered G F free....I have an incredibly hard
time with EVERY post that comes through this list now that claims GF free
status on ANY product.

    It is absolutely amazing to me that we would allow this to be spread
through this list as fact when from what has just been said,  only those few
...very few companies are certified to be G F free. With the tremendous
possibility of cross contamination to any and all other companies.....Why are
we as a list group continuing to do post after post claiming GF status on ANY
PRODUCTS that are not manufactured by those few companies??????????

    IF its not the FDA's job to set standards for what are acceptable or
unacceptable limits for GF status on foods.........Then WHO IS setting the
standards for GF Status?  WHO IS deciding those limits?  Is it private GF
companies?  Companies who have a financial interest in those standards?   And
WHAT standards are those companies using?   Are those standards based on
medical myths or concrete celiac research.

    I also would never imply that ALL companies should have to meet the
standards fit for Celiac consumption...that would be absurd.  But to say that
only those few companies who ONLY produce GF foods are able to get certified
because they are doing their own certification is a major concern to me.
Obviously we can no longer ONLY  have certified foods coming from those few
manufacturers.  It is time for us to SET standards for all who WISH to seek
to certify their products.  Force clarification on ingredients listed on all

    I appreciate tremendously the job of the FDA should be to continue to
clarify ingredients on labeling.  I have no problem with that.  But
clarifying labels does not necessarily address the cross contamination issue
for ANY ingredient whether it be  a GF free issue or any other consumable
ingredient. (cross contamination could happen for any ingredient and there
must be some sort of standards for acceptable limits on ALL
ingredients....either so many parts per million or zero parts per
million...etc)  We as consumers DESERVE to know what is in our foods! Not for
the reason of being a Celiac or not.

    For Example....one company told me every item they used that contains ANY
TYPE OF OIL......is a potential hazard for cross contamination.  Now if we
believe that then there is a whole "new list"  of processed foods that we
could NOT consume.   You would still need guidelines of some sorts for those
companies regardless of the labels.

I am sure the debate will rage on and on over this issue.  I only hope we can
unite to seek answers to most important issue at hand.....our health and

A. Baker