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Mon, 13 Dec 1999 11:50:16 -0500
Pat Shechter <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (229 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Below is the text of most of the replies I received.

Unless you cook exposed things in the microwave, I don't see what harm could
be done to you. Ask her to wipe it out when she's finished.
To me this sounds excessive but I have only been gf for a year.  It seems to
me if you put your bread on a dish or paper towel and it doesn't touch the
bottom of the micro where she may have put her bread there wouldn't be any
concern.  I will be interested on what other experienced celiacs come up
Hi, our kitchen is not completely gf either due to 2kids on diet, and three
other folks not.  We just always put food on a plate before reheating in
micro (everything, gluten-containing or gf) and this seems to do the trick.
I have 2 teenage boys who do not have CD, and we share everything, including
pans and other kitchen utensils. I just make sure I use a clean
plate/papertowel to lay anything on that I put in the microwave. I have no
problems with CD reactions from contamination in the kitchen. I even make
them pancakes, muffins, etc, with regular mix, with no problems.
If you haven't had any reactions, don't worry about it.  Some are more
sensitive than others and this type of thing would bother their systems,
others (myself) are not as sensitive for the most part.
It's nearly IMPOSSIBLE for others to understand what you have to do to stay
safe.  My mother-in-law suggested to me yesterday that I have sauce on some
nice Italian bread since I couldn't have pasta.  Sigh.....  Just wrap,
cover, whatever, your stuff and protect yourself because you cannot depend
on others. It sounds to me like she tries, but rely only on yourself for
your safety and then you'll be sure.
i would ask her again nicely and say it's really important to you and I
would wipe the microwave down with a wet towel before cooking if you are
cooking without paper, container, etc.  you don't need to have two
microwaves, that would be overdoing it.
I know my husband thaws frozen wheatbread in our microwave all the time. As
long as it is on a plate and he is careful about leaving crumbs behind I
haven't really thought it a problem.  I would think differently if he were
heating a wheat containing item uncovered that had a tendency to explode in
the oven.  Bread doesn't usually explode.
I don't think you have anything to worry about unless you put food directly
where some crumbs may be that would stick to your food.  Surely you use a
paper plate, napkin, or dish.....    There should be no problem and if it
were me, I wouldn't fuss.
I'm not sure there's a problem - anecdotally, and my own $.02 worth, my
husband (the "wheat-eater") and I (the celiac) use the microwave for both
gluten-free and gluten-containing foods.  He heats his hot dog buns in the
nuker without cover, but on a plate.  Same with bowls of soup, chili, etc. I
haven't noticed any problem with this. I would think that a plate
requirement would be reasonable, so there aren't crumbs left on the bottom
of the microwave.  Other than that, my own opinion would be not to worry.
Hope this helps -
If she puts her bread on a plate, there should be no problem with her using
the microwave.  I live in a family with no other Celiacs and microwave
gluten containing breads all the time and have no problem with it.
First, congratulations on recognizing how important keeping the kitchen safe
is! I wish my father was a considerate to my celiac mom. However, I dont
think you need to worry too much about the microwaved bread, so long as she
places it on a paper towel or plate.
I would be interested in the summary.  I haven't been concerned about the
microwave.  I use the one at work to heat my muffin which I usually have in
a bag and my water for cappuccino.  I do have my own toaster, but I just
check my pans to make sure they are real clean before I cook in them because
I do cook my husband oatmeal every morning. I'll watch for your summary.
I am married to a nonceliac and I have never had problems with contamination
from his food. I make his pasta in pots that I use too. I scrub it with
brillo and there is nothing to contaminate it. We both use the microwave and
we always use a plate and never put anything on the floor of the oven. He
wraps his frozen bagels or rolls in a paper towel when he puts it in the
microwave. I scrub all the utensils and pots so there is no gluten on it. I
put everything else in the dishwasher. If you feel so uneasy, ask your
roommate to use paper plates when using the microwave and wraping it in a
paper towel. Some celiacs on the list say the smell of bread makes them
sick, even rolls sitting on a resturant table. I never experienced this. But
I do get very sick when there is a trace in the food that I eat, I react in
my stomach with a delayed reaction up to 3 days later....go
figure...everyone is different.
I'm sure you will get gluten with the current system.  If I was you I would
tell her to get her own microwave, the small ones dont cost much.  She
understood this before she moved in and it is not worth you being sick all
the time. Stand up to this situation, you are right, we are talking about
your health here. She may be perfectly agreeable, if not still dont back
I know having roomies can be both a pleasure and a pain. It also can also be
a good financial arrangement. I'm more or less a student and that's why I do
it. As for the nuke problem, I really wouldn't worry about it. Using the
same pots and not cleaning them well would bother me, but not sharing a
microwave oven.
In response to your microwave question....you shouldn't have any problem
sharing kitchen utensils so long as when *you* use them they are clean(the
exception being the toaster as its pretty hard to keep clean).  Sharing a
microwave should be ok so long as there is no chance of any old splatters
dropping into/onto your food.  So long as you both clean up splatters (if
they ever occur) straight away then there should be no problem.  I was
surprised about you requiring separate pots for cooking as the same should
apply as for the microwave and any other utensils in the kitchen. I would be
interested in reading a summary of any other responses you get.
It just depends on how sensitive you are.  Have you had any problems with
gluten reactions and weren't sure what caused them?  For me it really is an
issue, as I have SEVERE reactions to minute particles of wheat.  Also when
heated up in the micro sometimes little bits will adhere to the top of the
micro and then come back down on something you heat up later.  I think she
should wrap her bread.  Better still, would be to USE the toaster she has.
I haven't gotten a g.f. toaster yet, so I heat my bread in the micro and it
does not come out at ALL like toast. It comes out warm, but in every other
way, it's just like a regular piece of untoasted bread.  If she's in that
much of a hurry in the morning, or whenever, why couldn't she pop her bread
in the toaster, go do something else and come back? Since I am the lazy one,
in not going out and buying a dedicated toaster, I make sure the micro is
clean, before I use it for my bread. My family uses the micro for microwave
meals that are not g.f., burritos that aren't and egg rolls.  I look up on
the ceiling of the micro and if I see crumbs, whoever used the micro last
comes and cleans it.  Our micro has a revolving glass tray, and I will
usually wash it, if there are no loose crumbs.  Usually though, the problem
is the ceiling of the micro and not the tray, because they always have
everything wrapped and on a plate.  No one else in my family is g.f. but
they know how severely ill I can become and are very cognizant of keeping
surfaces clean.  I think your roommate should be able to do this too, as my
kids are 14 and 16 and do a good job. Hope this helps!  Have a great Holiday
As for me, I go by the rule that I have to ingest the gluten for it to
affect me.  The only gluten products in our house are my husband's bakery
bread and an occasional sticky bun for his week-end breakfast, and his
favorite crackers.  That rule simplifies my life immensely.  There's nothing
here (except his bread, etc) that I can't eat. He uses one side of the
toaster and I use the other.  If I'm in doubt I either wash the rack or use
foil under my bread.  He does heat his pastry in the microwave occasionally
and that doesn't bother me. There have been a few times when I made French
toast with the two types of bread in two different skillets but it's too
much trouble to keep it straight and he likes my bread just fine. Best
wishes  - considerate roommates (and spouses) are treasures
The microwave is something my husband (eats gluten) and I (g-f) share. We
always use it to thaw bread, and we both ALWAYS use a paper towel to wrap
whatever we're heating. Works just fine ... Hope you can figure out a
workable arrangement!
I think as long as you keep your foods covered, or on a paper towell (such
as potatoes, etc.) you should be OK.  My wife is not CD, and we use the same
microwave for both of our foods.  We simply cover everything. I have yet to
experience a problem with this arrangement. Hope this helps.
I'd worry about the microwave.  It would be okay, I think, if she cleaned it
every time she used it or put the bread in a sealed container, but of course
one day she'll forget, because she is human.  If the microwave comes with
the dwelling you both rent, be gracious and either buy yourself a small one
and keep it in your own area, or offer to go halves
with her on a new one for herself once she's STERILIZED yours.  If it's your
microwave, get a trusted friend to sanitize it and put it where it's clearly
off limits.
We have two microwaves.  In our house, it seems bread is constantly being
defrosted before toasting it since it toasts better that way.  I didn't want
to worry about the crumbs so I put one microwave off limits to that nasty
wheat stuff.  Saves a lot of worry.
She is endangering your health.  Explain that a bread crumb can make you
sick.  If she continues, get a new roommate.
I would definitely mention something to your roommate.  It might not seem
like that big of a deal, but it shows that she is not totally aware of the
importance of your diet, so it could lead to other possible areas of gluten
contamination.  I've had a lot of roommates who I am still close with, and
they would appreciate wanting to know.  It's best to be open with her now.
It won't take much effort to wrap or cover the bread.  She might just need a
reminder. Good luck!!
she needs to get her own microwave also, you need to tell her this is a life
and death matter.
You could either wipe out the oven before you use it ,or place your food on
a paper towel or wrap your food in a paper towel.
Anthing being cooked/heated in the micro should be put on a plate, even it
is a cheap paper one or at least a paper towl, not put directly on the tray.
(I'm still working on my husband on that one.) Clean microwave on a regular
basis--just good sense. Easy way is to heat water (or water w/ baking soda)
until very hot, then wipe out inside of oven.  Steam will soften any hard
bits & make them easy to remove.
If you keep the microwave clean, there should be no problems.  I am
non-coeliac and my wife coeliac.  We use a number of pieces of crockery for
both as well as other items.  Many can go in the dishwasher but some cannot
and we hand wash.  This has proved to be entirely adequate.  I ALWAYS wrap
anything my wife may eat before putting it in the microwave (my work makes
me a "belt and braces" man), so as to be doubly safe. Although we both cook,
I do do the lion's share these days and am therefore very aware; your flat
mate cannot be expected to deeply understand yet.  I found that my
background of Radiation Protection stood me in good stead as I simply treat
anything with gluten as "radioactive" anything I'm not sure of as "probably
radioactive" and anything GF as "non-radioactive".  For me who works day-in
day-out with such things this means I no longer have to think; I've been
working with such things for nearly 30 years and this is a learned reflex.
The picture may help your flatmate realise how serious this all is for you,
without any personal unpleasantness/arguments.  Please feel you can use it
freely (my copyright :-).
I don't think you have to worry, if, the plate or bottom of the microwave is
cleaned afterwards.  Remember, no crumbs.
As far as I can see there should be no problem if you always keep your food
in a container or wrapped when using the microwave.  I do this all the time
and never gave it a thought.
Seems like your roommate is unknowingly defeating the purpose of the
separate toaster!  If gluten-bread crumbs can contaminate your toaster, I
would think the same of your microwave.  Ask her to use a plate or paper
towel, and clean the microwave often.  Pretty amazing you found a roommate
who seems to be able to handle the GF thing (aside for his recent incident!)
she should probably cover her bread in the microwave.  I do this & my hubby
does not have any problems with sharing the microwave.